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Quick Start-up

Step 1: Download the newest software bundle for AAC20 from the iSMA CONTROLLI Download Center page.

Step 2: Update your AAC20 with the newest firmware using the AAC20 Updater.

Step 3: Open the iSMA Tool 1.2.6, and follow one of the below paths depending on whether the visualization web server is to be run on a demo application or preexisting user application:

  • (a) using the demo application: 
    • go to the Application Manager;
    • use the Put App function to install an available demo application;
  • (b) using the preexisting user application:
    • run the AAC20 Simulator;
    • open the Application Manager for the simulator;
    • use the Put App function to install an available demo application to the AAC20 Simulator;
    • copy the ModbusTcpSlaveNetwork folder to the Drivers folder on the destination device;
    • link points in the existing application to the points in the ModbusTcpSlaveNetwork folder;

or add the required components manually from kits and, for schedule components, create relevant links (see Visualization Demo Application section).

Step 4: If necessary, customize the .xlsm configuration file.

Step 5: When all changes are introduced in the configuration file, generate the output file using the Generate XML file on the first sheet.

Step 6: Copy the Generation Output Files folder contents to the SD card.

Step 7: Send the index.html file to the flash memory using the AAC20 Updater.

Step 8: Log in to the visualization web server using a web browser.

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