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DIP Switch

The Touch Point panel is equipped with a 3-position DIP switch. Each of three sections has a separate function:

  • the first switch allows for restoring default settings;

  • the second switch allows for selecting a communication protocol;

  • and the third switch allows for the RS485 network termination.

DIP switch location

Restoring Default Settings

The first switch provides a possibility to restore default settings in the panel. In order to do so, follow the steps below:

Restoring default settings

  • Turn off the power supply;

  • Set the first switch to on;

  • Turn on the power supply;

  • Wait until the display blinks;

  • Set the third switch to off.

Default Settings


Default Value

Baud rate


Stop bits


Data bits


Parity bits



Modbus RTU

Modbus address


Replay delay


Default values

Selecting Communication Protocol

The second switch selects between the available communication protocols, Modbus RTU/ASCII or BACnet MS/TP:

Selecting communication protocol

  • Off: Modbus RTU/ASCII (default);

  • On: BACnet MS/TP.

RS485 Network Termination

The third switch adds or disconnects a termination resistor to the RS485 network:

Adding a termination resistor

  • Off: termination resistor disconnected (default);

  • On: termination resistor added (120 Ω).

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