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iSMA-B-LIB-GRAPH User Manual


iSMA-B-LIB-GRAPH is a library containing a graphical pallet, allowing the integrator to use ready-made graphic components. The palette contains graphic objects, such as ventilation ducts, air dampers, coolers, heaters, air filters, sensors, humidifiers, fans, heat exchangers, free-standing HVAC devices, grids, devices, graphic representations of devices on a floor plan, hydraulic systems with valves, and pumps. The iSMA_Graphics.jar graphics palette is an ideal addition to MAC36 controllers, iSMA-B-MAC36NL or iSMA-B-MAC36PRO, set with HDMI port and iSMA-B-PD-10-TB touchpad.

Revision History




1.310 Nov 2023MAC36PRO references
1.225 May 2022Rebranded
1.124 Jun 2021Graphic templates added to the library


28 Mar 2019

First version

Revision history

MAC36PRO Controllers Overview

MAC36 controllers, iSMA-B-MAC36NL and iSMA-B-MAC36PRO, are a new generation Hybrid IoT Controllers equipped with 36 I/O and powered by Niagara 4 framework. They support many protocols including BACnet IP, BACnet MS/TP. Modbus TCP, Modbus RTU, LON IP, KNX IP, and many more. MAC36 controllers, beside great hardware features and outstanding software functionality, offer many additional packages, which build superb competitive advantage. One of the packages is described below.

Key Features

  • MAC36NL: Niagara 4.6 and later, MAC36PRO: Niagara 4.10.U6 and later;

  • Prepared bindings;

  • Animated components;

  • Components representing alarm conditions;

  • Components representing switching on and off states;

  • Components of 0-100% controlled values;

  • Multistate components.

Software License

This product is licensed. The iSMA-B-MAC36NL and iSMA-B-MAC36PRO drivers are licensed for iSMA-B-LIB-GRAPH as standard. The license is formatted as an additional GC5.license file available on the Niagara central server.
Note: If there is no license, after adding a component to the PX worksheet, the following watermark appears on the component only in the web browser. The components in the Workbench looks as usual.

No license watermark

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