Except for standard configurations (COM Port; Baud Rate) for BACnet protocol, it is required to define the timeout and Software BACnet ID. The user is asked to set the timeout in the Timeout [s] field to guarantee enough time to find all the devices on the BACnet bus. Choosing the correct value depends on the networks baud rate (inversely proportional) and the number of devices (proportional) connected to the BACnet bus.
The Software BACnet ID parameter allows for the user to change the software ID in order to make sure it is not duplicated on the network.
In case your PC is not equipped with RS485 port, it is required to have RS485/USB converter in order to start discovery process. It is important to check the communication parameters before starting the discovery. An example of device connection is shown in the figure below.
Note: Before connecting the PC to the iSMA Configurator running on the RS485 network, it is recommended to disconnect the master controller.
Note: If all devices are not found after the first scanning process is complete, increase the timeout value. If some missing controllers are still found, add the missing devices manually by pressing the Add Device button. The devices discovered or added manually become visible under the BACnet IP branch with their ID and IP address.