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The Watchdog is a component designed for controlling communication by the RS485 port (COM1) and the USB (only for communication with the iSMA Tool using the SOX protocol or, in case of read/write Modbus registers, using the USB connection). The Watchdog component has to be placed under the LocalIO component.

The Watchdog component

The Watchdog component has the following slots:

  • Status: indicates the status of the Watchdog component;

  • Fault Cause: shows the fault cause description;

  • Watchdog Time: sets the time between the reception of valid messages, the 0 value disables this function;

  • Out: the output of the Watchdog. If the Watchdog is disabled (the Watchdog Time slot is set to 0), or the time between the reception of valid messages does not exceed the Watchdog Time, the Out slot is set to false. If the time between the reception of valid messages does exceed the Watchdog Time, the Out slot is set to true.

The Watchdog component offers the following action, available in the context menu:

  • Set: writes a value to the Watchdog Time slot.

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