The SOX protocol is a standard protocol used to communicate with Sedona devices. In this case, SOX is used to communicate the iSMA-B-FCU device with the iC Tool, using a USB connection.
Note: SOX is a service type protocol, executed after application components. If there is little time difference between the Scan Period and Scan Time values (see the App component), the services do not have sufficient time to be executed, and the programming interface can slow down. SOX is designed to be run over the UDP/IP protocol (default port 1876), but in case of the iSMA-B-FCU device, the SOX protocol runs over a USB interface.
The sox component has to be placed under the Service component.
The sox component has the following slots:
Port: Sox UDP port (default value 1876);
Receive Max: the maximum number of messages in the receiving window;
Events Per Sec: the maximum number of Async events (telegrams) sent per second.