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The NVNetBoolean is a component that stores the output value in the non-volatile EEPROM memory of the device. After rebooting the device or power failure, the component’s value is restored from this particular memory. The NVNetBoolean component occupies a single memory cell of the Boolean type.

The component has to be placed under the SlaveNetwork component.

Note: The method of calculating memory cells for NV components is described in the Plat service section.

The NVNetBoolean component is also used to integrate Boolean variables from various sources. It is done using the "reverse following the link" function. The Out slot is connected to the In slots of various protocols, for example, BACnet or Modbus variables. After changing a value in one of the components, the device performs the Set action on the NVNet component to synchronize the values ​​in all connected components. This option is enabled only if the Link Set slot is set to true.

The NVNetBoolean component

The NVNetBoolean component has the following slots:

  • Status: the actual status of the component;

  • Fault Cause: shows the fault case description;

  • Register Type: allows to set the register type for the master device (Coil: read/write, Discrete Input: read-only);

  • Binary Value Id: allows to set the Id of the BACnet object;

  • Modbus Coil: displays the number of the modbus coil;

    • Modbus Coil = 1200 + Binary Value Id,

  • Link Set: if the slot is set to true, the "reverse following the link" function is activated, and it invokes the Set action in the component linked to the In slot;

  • Out: the output slot;

  • In: the input slot;

  • User: the user value slot (set by the Set action);

  • Default: the default value slot (set by the global command from the plat action);

  • Default Trigger: copies values from the Default slot to the Out slot on the rising edge.

The NVNetBoolean component offers the following action, available in the context menu:

  • Set: this action sets the User slot and the In slot, if there is no link on the In slot.

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