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The FCU_PI component is a regulator with proportional and integral actions.

The FCU_PI component

The FCU_PI  component has the following slots:

  • Enable: enables or disables the component–if the component is disabled (the Enable slot is set to false), the Out slot is set to 0;
  • Cv: the numeric input slot with the controlled value;
  • Sp: allows to set the setpoint for controlled value;
  • Out: the output slot of the component;
  • Kp: allows to set the value of proportional gain constant;
  • Ti: allows to set the value of the integral time constant (setting the slot to 0, disables this integral action);
  • Max: allows to set the maximum value of the output of component;
  • Min: allows to set the minimal value of the output of component;
  • Bias: allows to set the bias value–this value is added to the Out slot if Ti slot is set to 0;
  • Max Delta: allows to set the maximum amount the Out slot can change by in the exTime (setting to 0 disables this function);
  • Direct: allows to set the acting process;
    • Available settings: true (direct-acting process), false (reverse the acting process);
  • Ex Time: allows to set the period of loop execution;
  • Pgain: shows the value of the output signal, which was calculated by the proportional action;
  • Igain: shows the value of the output signal, which was calculated by the integral action.
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