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The FCU_HeatingCoolingSwitch component allows for switching between heating and cooling temperature modes, depending on the current temperature, the given setpoint, and the occupancy status.

FCU_HeatingCoolingSwitch component

The FCU_HeatingCoolingSwitch component

The FCU_HeatingCoolingSwitch component has the following slots:

  • Heating Cooling: the main output of the component; shows the operating status of the component–whether it works in cooling mode (false) or heating mode (true);

  • Cv: the current input value (measured temperature);

  • Setpoint: the setpoint value (temperature setpoint);

  • Diff: the deadband set for the current input value–if the Setpoint value is, for example, 25, the Diff value set to 2 means that for the Cv slot values from 23 to 27 no action is taken;

  • Occupancy Status: sets the occupancy status; 

    • Available information: (0) unoccupied, (1) occupied, (2) standby;

  • Fcu Mode: indicating the FCU mode, for example, from the higher-level system.

    • Available values: (0) off, (1) auto, (2) heating only, (3) cooling only), (4) fan only.

Predefined modes for different values of the Fcu Mode slot:
  • (0) Off: the Heating Cooling slot is permanently set to true (heating), regardless of the measured temperature and setpoint values.

  • (1) Auto: the Heating Cooling slot switches between the heating and cooling modes;

  • (2) Heating Only: the Heating Cooling slot is permanently set to true (heating), regardless of the measured temperature and setpoint values.

  • (3) Cooling Only: the Heating Cooling slot is permanently set to false (cooling), regardless of the measured temperature and setpoint values.

  • (4) Fan Only: the Heating Cooling slot is permanently set to false (cooling), regardless of the measured temperature and setpoint values.

Switching between heating and cooling modes

Note: The heating and cooling modes can only be switched, when the Occupancy Status slot is set to 1 (Occupied mode). If the Occupancy Status slot is set to any other value, the Heating Cooling slot is set to the last mode, which has been calculated in the Occupied mode.

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