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The NVNet components (non-volatile net) are the type of components, the value of which can be recorded in the device’s EEPROM non-volatile memory. Whenever a device is restarted or the power is down, the values of NVNet components remain saved. These components can also be used to sending values using the BACnet MS/TP or Modbus RTU protocols (depending on the PROTOCOL DIP switch configuration). The device has two types of NV components, broken down by the type of variables they support.

The components include:

  • Boolean variables: the NVNetBoolean component;
  • Numeric (float) variables: the NVNetNumeric component.

All NVNet components have to be placed under the SlaveNetwork component.

Note: The iSMA-B-FCU device supports up to 200 NVNetNumeric or up to 200 NVNetBoolean components. The number of free NV memory cells can be checked under platform properties.

Note: The method of calculating memory cells for NV components is described in the plat component section. Since the values of the components are not stored in the Sedona application but in the non-volatile memory of the device, in the situation when an application is copied between two devices, output values ​​are not saved and will assume the values ​​stored in the local EEPROM memory. To copy NV Net components to another device along with their values ​​(e.g., setpoint), use global actions of the plat component:

Step 1: Use the global action Copy From NV The Default / Copy From NV To User.

Step 2: Save the application, and copy it to another device.

Step 3: Use the global action on the target device Copy From Default To NV / Copy From User To NV.

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