The BinaryValueWrite component is responsible for sending binary values to slave devices. Values are written if the value of In slot has changed, in time periods defined in the Max Write Time slot (only if the value of the Max Write Time slot is higher than 0). Writing can be also invoked by the Set or Write actions. The BinaryValueWrite component has to be placed under the BACnetMasterSlaveNetwork component.
The BinaryValueWrite component has the following slots:
- Status: shows the point’s status;
- Fault Cause: shows the fault cause description;
- Enable: enables or disables the network (true: enabled, false: disabled);
- Object Id: allows to set the BACnet Id of the point;
- In: the input slot, which value is sent to slave devices.
The BinaryValueWrite component offers the following actions, available under the right mouse button:
- Set: writes the value to the In slot and sends it to slave devices;
- Write: sends the value from the In slot to slave devices.