The BACnetMasterSlaveNetwork is the main component responsible for the communication between a master device and slave devices by the BACnet MS/TP protocol, using the RS485 port (COM1). The BACnetMasterSlaveNetwork sets parameters such as slave devices Id, communication parameters (such as a poll frequency or maximum write time), and reads the status of slave devices. The component has to be placed under the Drivers folder.
The BACnetMasterSlaveNetwork component has the following slots:
- Status: shows the point’s status;
- Fault Cause: shows the fault cause description;
- Enable: enables or disables the network (true: enabled, false: disabled);
- Slave1DeviceId-Slave5DeviceId: allow to set the BACnet Ids of slave devices;
- Slave Status1-Slave Status5: reads statuses of slave devices;
- Poll Frequency: allows to set the polling frequency of all read-only points, min. 1;
- Max Write Time: allows to set the maximum time between sending values of all writeable points–if the value equals 0, values of writable points are sent only “on value change”;
- Ping Frequency: allows to set the time between testing messages to check slave devices connection, min. 1;
- Ping Trigger: triggers the Ping action on the rising edge of value;
- Free Points: shows the number of free BACnet Master-Slave points.
The BACnetMasterSlaveNetwork component offers the following action, available in the context menu:
- Ping: sends a test message to slave devices to check their statuses.