The TpHumiditySensor component is responsible for configuration of the humidity sensor and reading its value.
The TpHumiditySensor component has the following slots:
- Status: shows the point’s status;
- Fault Cause: shows the fault cause description;
- Fault Status: shows the point error status (true: point read/write error);
- Enable: enables or disables the point (true: enabled, false: disabled);
- Poll Frequency: allows to set the reading poll frequency (fast, normal, slow);
- Displaying Mode: allows to set the display mode (RealValue: the Out value is divided by 10, RegisterValue: the value is taken directly from the register);
- Out: the humidity sensor value;
- Visibility: activates or inactivates the humidity sensor value on display;
- Sensor Offset: sets the humidity sensor offset value;
- Sensor Filter: sets the humidity sensor reading filter time in seconds;
- Config Trigger: sends configuration parameters to the device components on rising edge.
The TpHumiditySensor component has the following right-click menu actions:
- Read: reads the Touch Point panel's humidity sensor value and updates the Out slot;
- Read Config: reads configuration parameters from the Touch Point panel (Visibility, Sensor Offset, Sensor Filter);
- Write Config: writes configuration parameters to the Touch Point panel (Visibility, Sensor Offset, Sensor Filter).