The LocalOConfig is a component designed for configuration of the physical inputs/outputs of the device. This component has to be placed under the LocalIO component.
The LocalOConfig component has the following slots:
- SIn Type Int: (where n is a number of the special input) sets the integer value corresponding to the type of temperature sensor;
- SIn Type: sets the type of temperature sensor connected to the special input; table stored in the device allows to convert the value of sensor resistance into temperature;
- Available options: Voltage_Measurement, Temperature_10K3A1, Temperature_10K4A1, Temperature_10K, Temperature_20K6A1, Temperature_2_2K3A1, Temperature_3K3A1, Temperature_30K6A1, Temperature_SEI1, Temperature_TAC1, Temperature_SAT1.
- SIn Filter: sets the time constant of the low pass filter (to eliminate signal noise);
- AOx Type: sets the integer value corresponding to the analog output mode;
- AOx Type: sets the analog output mode: voltage 0-10 V or PWM;
- Default State Of Analog Output x: sets the analog output default value after the reboot of the controller (expressed in mV);
- Default Digital State Of Analog Output x: sets the default value of the analog output, operating in digital mode, after the reboot of the device;
- TOn Type Int: (where n is a number of the triac output) sets the integer value corresponding to the TOn Type.
- TOn Type: sets the triac output mode: digital or PWM;
- Default State Of Triac Output x: sets the default value of the triac output, operating in PWM mode, after the reboot of the device (expressed in %);
- Default State Of Triac Digital Output x: sets the default value of the triac output, operating in digital mode, after the reboot of the device;
- Mode: sets the mode the device works in, normal or fan–if set to the fan mode, the digital outputs O1, O2, and O3 cannot be set to high state at the same time; if set to the normal mode, this protection is disabled;
- Default State Of Digital Output x: the digital output default after the reboot of the device;
Any settings of the LocalIOConfig component are stored in the component, and can be transferred to other devices (quick set-up of multiple devices).