The FCU_OutputsSwitch component allows to manage outputs for the temperature and fan control, according to the FCU configuration (2 or 4 pipe system, analog or binary temperature control, etc.).
The FCU_OutputsSwitch component has the following slots:
- Heating Valve: displays the status of the heating valve; the status is displayed differently depending on the Analog Outputs Enable setting (binary or analog):
- Available information for the temperature binary output: 0 (closed) or 1 (open);
- Available information for the temperature analog output: displays the value of the Analog Heating In slot;
- Cooling Valve: displays the status of the the cooling valve; the status is displayed differently depending on the Analog Outputs Enable setting (binary or analog):
- Available information for the temperature binary output: 0 (closed) or 1 (open);
- Available information for the temperature analog output: displays the value of the Analog Cooling In slot;
- Fan Value: displays the status of the fan; the status is displayed differently depending on the Fan Type setting (binary or analog):
- Available information for the fan binary outputs: 0, 1, 2, or 3;
- Available information for the fan analog outputs: displays the value of the Fan Analog In slot;
- Analog Heating Out: the output slot for the analog heating valve;
Analog Heating Out Values
For the 2-pipe system (the Mode _2 Pipes slot is set to true), if the Analog Outputs Enable slot is set to true, the Analog Heating Out slot displays the value of the Analog Heating In slot or Analog Cooling In slot, depending on which slot has the value greater than 0.
For the 4-pipe system (the Mode _2 Pipes slot is set to false), the Analog Heating Out slot can only display the value of the Analog Heating In slot.
If the Analog Outputs Enable slot is set to false (the component uses only the binary outputs), the Analog Heating Out slot is set to 0.
- Analog Cooling Out: the output slot for the analog cooling valve;
Analog Cooling Out Values
For the 4-pipe system (the Mode _2 Pipes slot is set to false), the Analog Cooling Out slot displays the value of the Analog Cooling In slot.
If the Analog Outputs Enable slot is set to false (the component uses only the binary outputs), or the Mode _2 Pipes slot is set to false (for the 4-pipe system), the Analog Cooling Out slot is set to 0.
- Second Stage Heating Out: the output slot for the second stage heating–the slot displays the value from the Second Stage Heating In slot;
Note: If the Heating Second Stage Enable slot is set to false, or the Heating Relay Enable slot is set to false, the Second Stage Heating Out slot cannot be set to true.
- Second Stage Cooling Out: the output slot for the second stage cooling–the slot displays the value from the Second Stage Cooling In slot;
Note: If the Cooling Second Stage Enable slot is set to false, or the Cooling Relay Enable slot is set to false, the Second Stage Cooling Out slot cannot be set to true.
- Digital Heating: the output slot for the digital heating (recommended to service the heating valve switched on/off by triacs);
Digital Heating Values
For the 2-pipe system (the Mode _2 Pipes slot is set to true), if the Analog Outputs Enable slot is set to false, the Digital Heating slot displays the value of the Binary Heating In slot or the Binary Cooling In slot, depending on which slot has the true value.
For the 4-pipe system (the Mode _2 Pipes slot is set to false), the Digital Heating slot can only display the value of Binary Heating In slot.
If the Analog Outputs Enable slot is set to true (the component uses only the analog outputs), the Digital Heating slot is set to false.
- Digital Cooling: the output slot for the digital cooling (recommended to service the cooling valve switched on/off by triacs);
Digital Cooling Values
For the 4-pipe system (the Mode _2 Pipes slot is set to false), the Digital Heating slot displays the value of Binary Cooling In slot.
If the Analog Outputs Enable slot is set to true (the component uses only the analog outputs), or the Mode _2 Pipes slot is set to false (for the 4-pipe system), the Digital Cooling slot is set to false.
- Relay Heating: the output slot for digital heating in the first or second stage (recommended to service the heating valve switched by the relay output or electrical heaters);
Relay Heating Values
If the Heating Relay Enable slot is set to true, and the Heating Second Stage Enable slot is set to false (heating in the first stage only), the value from the Binary Heating In slot is set to the Relay Heating slot.
If the Heating Relay Enable slot is set to true, and the Heating Second Stage Enable slot is set to true (heating in the first and second stage), the value from the Second Stage Heating In slot is set to the Relay Heating slot.
If the Heating Relay Enable slot is set to false (the heating relay is disabled), the Relay Heating slot is set to false.
- Relay Cooling: the output slot for the digital cooling in the first or second stage (recommended to service the cooling valve switched by the relay output or electrical coolers);
Relay Cooling Values
If the Cooling Relay Enable slot is set to true, and the Cooling Second Stage Enable slot is set to false (cooling in the first stage only), the value from the Binary Cooling In slot is set to the Relay Cooling slot.
If the Cooling Relay Enable slot is set to true, and the Cooling Second Stage Enable slot is set to true (cooling in the first and second stage), the value from the Second Stage Cooling In slot is set to the Relay Cooling slot.
If the Cooling Relay Enable slot is set to false (the cooling relay is disabled), the Relay Cooling slot is set to false.
- Heating Second Stage Enable: allows to enable or disable the second stage heating;
- Available settings: true (enabled,) false (disabled);
- Cooling Second Stage Enable: allows to enable or disable the second stage cooling;
- Available settings: true (enabled,) false (disabled);
- Heating Relay Enable: allows to enable or disable the relay for heating;
- Available settings: true (enabled,) false (disabled);
- Cooling Relay Enable: allows to enable or disable the relay for cooling;
- Available settings: true (enabled,) false (disabled);
- Mode _2 Pipes: allows to switch between the 2-pipe system and 4-pipe system;
- Available settings: 2-pipe system, 4-pipe system;
- Analog Outputs Enable: allows to switch between the analog or binary control of the temperature outputs;
- Available settings: Analog Outputs, Binary Outputs;
- Analog Heating In: sets the analog value for heating;
- Analog Cooling In: sets the analog value for cooling;
- Binary Heating In: sets the binary value for the first stage heating;
- Binary Cooling In: sets the binary value for the first stage cooling;
- Second Stage Heating In: sets the binary value for the second stage heating;
- Second Stage Cooling In: sets the binary value for the second stage cooling;
- Fan Analog In: sets the analog value for the fan;
- Fan Type: sets the type of fan;
- Available settings: 0 (fan with analog output), other values (fan with binary outputs);
- Fan Status: sets the current fan speed;
- Available settings: 0 (Off), 1 or 4 (Speed 1), 2 or 5 (Speed 2), 3 or 6 (Speed 3).