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The DimmerSwitch component controls the light dimmer with the use of a single-button (one digital input) or two buttons (two digital inputs).

In the SingleSwitch mode, switch 1 has a defined function for short and long press. The short press is when the button is pressed for less than the time defined in the Short In slot. The long press is when the button is pressed for longer than the time defined in the Short In slot. The short press is dedicated to on/off switching, the long press is dedicated to changing the dimming value. Each short press toggles between on and off state. During the long-press, the component increases or decreases the dimming value.

In the DoubleSwitch mode, each button has two functions defined: switch 1 is for switching on (short press) and increasing the dimmer value (long press), switch 2 is for switching off (short press) and decreasing the dimmer value (long press). The short press is when the high state time is less than the time defined in the Short In slot. The long press is when the short time elapses, and the button is still in a high state.

The DimmerSwitch component

The DimmerSwitch component has the following slots:

  • Switch: the Out slot for the dimmer, shows the digital value for on and off states;
  • Dimm Value: the Out slot for the dimmer, shows the analog value in the range 0-100%;
  • Switch Type: the button input;
  • Switch1: the button input, main for the SingleSwitch mode, on or increasing output in the DoubleSwitch mode;
  • Switch2: the button input, not active for the SingleSwitch mode, off or decreasing output in the DoubleSwitch mode;
  • Set On: triggers the dimmer switch to on state (to max. level);
  • Set Off: triggers the dimmer switch to off state;
  • Short In: sets the time for the short button press;
  • Memo Off: enables or disables the memory function of the Dimm Value during switch off;
  • Max Dimm Value: sets the max. dimmer analog value;
  • Min Dimm Value: sets the min. dimmer analog value;
  • Speed In: sets the dimming speed time.
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