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The ActionTrigger component remotely invokes action from Sedona component. The Sedona does not allow for making links to component’s actions, so actions can be invoked manually from the programming software (for example, the iSMA Tool), or by a dedicated component. The ActionTrigger component has 3 input slots, each dedicated to a different Sedona variable type (typically, only one of them is used, the one corresponding to the component type). The programme creates the link from the component, which the action will be invoked from, to the ActionTrigger component input slot. The Action Name slot defines, which action is to be invoked.

The ActionTrigger component

The ActionTrigger component has the following slots:

  • Status: shows the component’s status;
  • In Boolean: the input slot to create a link connection between components of the Boolean type;
  • In Integer: the input slot to create a link connection between components of the integer type;
  • In Numeric: the input slot to create a link connection between components of the numeric/float type;
  • Action name: allows to define the action name from the linked component, which will be invoked;
  • Action Trigger: allows to invoke the action from the component linked to one of the input slots, defined in the Action Name slot.

The ActionTrigger component has the following action:

  • Action: manually invokes the action from the linked component.
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