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Device Points


For the iSMA-B-2D Light Controller, the iClib palette includes input points for controlling light switches and DALI networks, PIR sensors in the LLC mode, motion sensors, and presence detectors and output points for controlling light outputs.

Points for the iSMA-B-2D controller


For the iSMA-B-2D1B Light and Blind Controller, the iClib palette includes input points for controlling light switches and DALI networks, blind movement, motion sensors, and presence detectors and output points for controlling light and blind outputs.

Points for the iSMA-B-2D1B controller


For the iSMA-B-FCU Fan Coil Unit controller, the iClib palette includes points for controlling temperature and fan, second stage heating/cooling, inputs and outputs management, LCD operating, and network settings.

Points for the iSMA-B-FCU controller


For the iSMA-B-LP room panel, the iClib palette includes points for controlling temperature, CO2, and humidity sensors, occupancy and fan menus settings, LCD and keypad settings, and time and device configuration.

Points for the iSMA-B-LP panel

Touch Point

For the Touch Point panel, the iClib palette includes points for controlling temperature, CO2, and humidity sensors, occupancy and fan menus settings, LCD and keypad settings, and time and device configuration.

Points for the Touch Point panel


For the MG-IP Meter Gateway, the iClib palette includes points for M-Bus network and module settings.

Points for the iSMA-B-MG-IP gateway


For the iSMA-B-W0202 wireless module, the iClib palette includes points for inputs, outputs, and device configuration.

Points for the iSMA-B-W0202 module


For the iSMA-B-MINI/MIX/MAX modules, the iClib palette includes points for inputs, outputs, and device configuration.

Points for the iSMA-B-MINI/MIX/MAX modules

Points for the iSMA-B-4TO-H module


For SfAR-S and SfAR-1M Modbus modules, the iClib palette includes points for inputs, outputs, and device configuration.

Points for the SfAR-S-6TI module

Points for the SfAR-S-8AI2DO module

Points for the SfAR-S-8DI8DO module

Points for the SfAR-S-8TO module

Points for the SfAR-S-8AO module

Points for the SfAR-S-ETH module


For the EBV actuators, the iClib palette includes points for device configuration, alarms and diagnostics configuration, input points for modulating control and output points for feedback output signal, configuration of the dynamic balancing functions and temperature control loop, and for energy functions and power control.

Points for the EBV valves


For MVC actuators, the iClib palette includes points for device configuration, alarms and diagnostics configuration, and inputs and outputs configuration.

Points for the MVC actuators


For the MVE actuators, the iClib palette includes points for device configuration, alarms and diagnostics configuration, input points for modulating control and output points for feedback output signal, configuration of setpoints, temperature sensors, and temperature control loop, and for energy functions.

Points for the MVE actuators
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