User Interface
General Functionalities
This chapter describes the user interface of the Modbus Configuration Tool, which is the most complete of the 2 available tools. In the user interface of the USB configuration tool the "Info" tab not include the functionality to show the charts, but is possible to use the USB Configuration Tool in offline mode (simulator).
Opening the application, the following user interface will be shown:
To enable the tabs is necessary to select the COM connected to the USB-RS485 converter and press the toggle button with label "DISCONNECTED". If the connection is successful, all tabs will be enabled.
If the converter is already connected to the USB port when starting the application, the COM port to which the converter is connected will automatically appear in the drop-down menu and it will be sufficient to press the toggle button and if the connection is successful all the tabs will be enabled.
The user interface allows the following functionalities:
read the main characteristics of the actuator and show real time graphics (the 'Info' tab);
configure the actuator (the 'Configuration' tab);
check the actuator status and its anomalies (the 'Diagnostic' tab);
enable the ∆T maximization function (the 'Maximization Delta T' tab). This tab is visible only if the temperature sensors are present;
show the energy data (the 'Energy' tab). This tab is visible only if the temperature sensors are present;
set the Modbus parameters to connect to the actuator with the Modbus master (not present for USB version);
upload a configuration file or download the set parameters in a configuration file;
select the language (Italian or English).
When each tab is selected all parameters shown in the page will be refreshed.
To read a parameter inside the tab, it is necessary to click with the mouse on the corresponding label. If the value to be read is inside a section (e.g., PRESSURE SENSORS), clicking the label of the specific section will perform a reading of all the values inside it.
To write a parameter inside a text box, it is necessary to press Enter after the new value is entered or after selecting the item from a dropdown menu.
The main window at the top shows the following dropdown menu:
Tools: selecting this item allows to define the Modbus connection options related to the CONV-USB-RS485 converter. If the user intends to change the Modbus connection options, the parameters have to be changed before clicking the toggle button to connect to the Modbus configuration tool;
Language: selecting this item allows to choose a proper language: Italian or English;
Configuration File: selecting this item allows to:
Load File: to load a .csv file with actuator parameters and send them to the actuator;
Read File: to load a .csv file without sending them to the actuator, but only on the tabs of the configurator. If the CONNECT toggle button has not yet been pressed, a pop-up window will be displayed asking if the system has the 2 temperature probes, the specific tabs will be displayed depending on the choice selected;
Save File: to save a .csv file with the parameters set on the configurator.
Note: Only writable parameters will be saved in the .csv file.
Read Device: selecting this item is possible to update the values in al tabs of the Configuration Tool.
Write Device: selecting this item is possible to write all configuration parameters into the actuator.
?: selecting this item is possible to read the software version of the Configuration Tool.
The following others items are shown:
CONNECT/DISCONNECT toggle button: used to connect/disconnect to the Modbus configuration tool.
Default settings for the connection are: baud rate 9600, no parity, and 2 stops bits.
When the application starts, the toggle button is in the DISCONNECTED status; to initiate the communication between the actuator and master, is necessary to click the toggle button to CONNECTED.
To check if the connection was successful, the Modbus Status label will show OK.
To disconnect the Modbus communication between the actuator and master, click the toggle button when it is in the CONNECTED status. If disconnecting is successful, the message DISCONNECTED appears in the Modbus Status field.
COM PORT (dropdown list): if the serial converter is already present at startup, only the relative COM port is shown. Otherwise, press the COM PORT label above the dropdown menu; all the COM ports active on the PC will be listed. To select the correct COM port, which the USB-RS485 converter is connected to, follow the procedure in paragraph 4.2.
MODBUS ADDRESS (text box): it shows the Modbus address of the device, of which all the operations will be performed through the configurator. By default, the set value is address 1.
MODBUS STATUS (text box): this field allows to view the status of the Modbus communication showing the outcome of the performed actions. If the action is successful, the OK status is shown.
Modbus Configuration
At the top of the main window, there is a dropdown list that displays the COM port currently in use by the PC. To identify the number of the serial port (COM port), which the USB-RS485 converter is connected to, it is necessary to access the PC control panel, and select the Device Manager:
On the page, select the Ports (COM and LPT) field to check the serial port number, which the serial converter is connected to (COM5, in the example below).
Once the COM port has been selected, press the CONNECTED/DISCONNECTED toggle button, and verify that the Modbus status is OK.
As indicated in the previous paragraph, the Modbus configuration parameters of the master can be selected through the dropdown menu: Tools → Modbus Connection Options.
By default, the communication parameters are: 9600, no parity, and 2 stop bits.
Info Tab
In this window, it is possible to read the main data about the actuator:
Model: represents the product part number. The alphanumeric code is composed as follows:
The first X represents the DN of the valve, the second X–the power supply of the actuator, and a group of the 3 Xs indicates the configuration: with/without emergency return, Modbus/Cloud, with/without temperature sensors. An example of code is the following: EBV150-24-000, which represents an EBV model with DN150 valve, powered at 24 V AC without emergency return, Modbus communication, and without temperature sensors.
The value cannot be changed by the configurator.
FW Version: identifies the current version of the firmware installed on the actuator;
BMS Command Signal [%]: represents the current Modbus command signal value (between 0-100%); it is a read-only value;
Feedback [%]: allows to identify the position of the actuator in the range 0-100% of the stroke;
Set Max. Flow Rate [m3/h]: represents the maximum flow rate available for 100% control signal, which the dynamic balancing is performed on. Its value cannot be higher than the nominal flow rate value. It is a read-only value;
Calculated Flow Rate [m3/h]: represents the flow rate calculated as a function of the pressure sensors measurements, the valve position, and the valve flow characteristic. It is a read-only value;
Input Pressure [bar]: represents the pressure value, in bars, detected by the sensor positioned at the valve inlet port (it is the sensor connected to the A1 input of the terminal block). It is a read-only value;
Output Pressure [bar]: represents the pressure value, in bar, detected by the sensor positioned at the valve outlet port (it is the sensor connected to the A2 input of the terminal block). It is a read-only value;
∆P [bar]: represents the value of the difference between the input and output pressure measured in bar. It is a read-only value;
In addition, at the opening of the tab, the information relating to the inlet pressure, outlet pressure, and delta P can be read simultaneously by pressing the PRESSURE SENSORS label at the top of the section relating to this information.
Supply Temperature [°C]: represents the temperature value, in °C, detected by the sensor positioned at the valve inlet port (it is the sensor connected to the T1 input of the terminal block). It is a read-only value;
If a value equal to 500.0 is displayed, it means that the supply sensor (T1) is disconnected or faulty, and the relative TEMPERATURE SENSORS groupbox is disabled (the groupbox is gray). If the system includes temperature sensors, this error condition is also highlighted in the Diagnostics tab. The sensor in anomaly determines the disabling of other controls related to the use of the delta T, which will be described in relevant paragraphs.
Return Temperature [°C]: represents the temperature value, in °C, detected by the sensor positioned at the valve outlet port (it is the sensor connected to the T2 input of the terminal block). It is a read-only value;
If a value equal to 500.0 is displayed, it means that the return sensor (T2) is disconnected or faulty, and the relative TEMPERATURE SENSORS groupbox is disabled (the groupbox is gray). If the system includes temperature sensors, this error condition is also highlighted in the Diagnostics tab. The sensor in anomaly determines the disabling of other controls related to the use of the delta T, which will be described in the relevant paragraphs.
∆T [°C]: represents the value of the difference between the supply and return temperature measured in °C. It is a read-only value;
In addition, at the opening of the tab, the information relating to the inlet temperature, outlet temperature, and delta T can be read simultaneously by pressing the TEMPERATURE SENSORS label at the top of the section relating to this information.
This section is enabled only if the EBV system has 2 temperature sensors, otherwise it is disabled highlighted by the gray labels.
If the temperature sensors have problems or are not connected, no value will be displayed.
Instant Power [kW]: power detected at the instant in which the reading of the value is requested based on the calculated flow rate value and the delta T at that instant. It is a read-only value.
If the supply and/or return temperature sensors are disconnected or faulty (for systems that provide them), this item will be disabled (gray background) and no value will be displayed.
CHARTS: by checking the items listed in this section it is possible to view the graphs of the desired variables. The graphs are grouped into 2 types: the balancing ones (command signal, feedback, calculated flow rate, Delta P) and the energy ones (supply temperature, return temperature, delta T, and instant power). The latter are only enabled if the system has 2 temperature sensors, otherwise they are disabled (gray background) and cannot be selected. Pressing the "CHARTS" button a window will appear with the previously selected charts. The 2 types of variables are represented on 2 different graphic areas (see figure 11).
The window shows the 2 areas for the 2 types of charts described above. The charts displayed are those selected in the "Info" tab and are updated every second starting from the opening of the window in the specific chart area.
It is possible to stop the updating and display of the graphs by pressing the button with the word "STOP" and resume updating the display by pressing the button with the word "START" (the same button therefore allows to stop or restart the display) . When the display is resumed, the first data displayed will be the current one and not the one at the time of the stop (therefore the data will be lost during the time the chart stops).
It is possible to hide one or more plotted graphs from the display by placing the check mark on the specific series in the "Hide series" section (the series is hidden, but the acquired data continues to be stored anyway).
It is again possible to show the previously hidden graphs by removing the check mark from the specific box, as mentioned the graphs will show temporal continuity in the data even if they were hidden.
The "RESET" button allows to delete the graphs drawn from the relative display area.
After 90 minutes the charts are no longer updated because the maximum number of data that can be displayed has been reached. A pop-up message warns the user and asks if the data must be saved to a file (.csv), if you press the "Yes" button a window is opened for saving the file and once the name of the file is indicated the charts in the two areas are deleted. By pressing the "No" button the data is not saved on the file and the charts will be deleted. By pressing the "START" button it will be possible to restart the data display from the current instant.
OPERATING MODE: section shows the operating status of the actuator which can be one of those listed below:
Normal: the actuator is working following the command signal at its input; therefore it is not in the initial positioning, learning, emergency return or manual command inserted phases.
Initial positioning: the actuator is moving towards the initial position determined by the dip 1 o if the dip switches are disabled based on the action type value set in the "Configuration" window for piloting via modbus.
Calibration: the actuator is calibrating the stroke.
Error: indicates that one or more errors have occurred, the details of the error are visible in the "Errors" section of the "Diagnostics" tab.
Manual override: indicates that the manual command has been inserted, the actuator does not respond to the command signal until the manual override is disengaged and the initial positioning ends.
Configuration Tab
In this window it is possible to set the following valve configuration parameters:
FUNCTIONS ENABLED: the model text box shows the valve model to which the configurator is currently connected (the meaning of the code has been explained in chapter 6 under "Model"). Depending on the model, the possible functions that can be activated are shown. In particular, if the system has 2 temperature sensors, the following functions are displayed: "Enable Energy" which is activated by default (it has the check mark automatically), "Enable Delta T Maximization" and "Enable Power Control". Otherwise none of the 3 functions can be activated and dynamic balancing is always active by default. It is possible to enable / disable a specific function by clicking on the relevant box (by adding or removing the check mark).
MODBUS CONFIGURATION: allows to set the Modbus configuration parameters of the actuator, in particular:
Baud Rate: selectable values are 9600 or 19200.
Bit Parity/Stop: with parity bit selectable None, Odd or Even and stop bit selectable between 1 or 2.
The factory settings of the actuator are: 9600, No parity bit and 2 stop bits.
Modbus Address: allows to set the modbus address of the actuator.
To write the value in the actuator, press "Enter" on the keyboard after selecting the desired value.
Set Maximum Flow rate [m3/h]: represents the flow rate the user wants to have with 100% control signal and on which the dynamic balancing is performed. Its value cannot be higher than the nominal flow rate value. In order to set this value in the actuator, press the "Enter" button on the keyboard after entering the desired value in the appropriate text box.
Nominal Flow rate [m3/h]: this value (reading only) is characteristic of the selected valve, it represents the maximum flow rate related to that valve.
Valve Nominal Power (ΔT 20 K) [kW]: represents the maximum power value that the selected valve is able to supply at ΔT = 20 K. It is a read-only value as it is characteristic of the valve.
If the supply and/or return temperature sensors are disconnected or faulty (when available), this item will be disabled and the relative "POWER CONTROL" groupbox will also be disabled (the groupbox is grayed out).
Set Max Power [kW]: represents the power value to be supplied at 100% control signal. To write this value in the actuator, press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.
If the supply and/or return temperature sensors are disconnected or faulty (when available), this item will be disabled and the relative "POWER CONTROL" groupbox will also be disabled (the groupbox is grayed out).
Data/Time Actuator: when the tab is opened, the text box displays the current date and time of the PC, by pressing the "SYNC" button this information is saved in the actuator. At the same time, the clock error displayed in the "Diagnostics" tab disappears. Each time the actuator turns off (the error condition is indicated in the "Diagnostics" tab), the date and time must be synchronized. The synchronization of the date and time is necessary for the Energy function (so if the 2 temperature sensors are present), otherwise it is not necessary.
By clicking on the "Actuator Date / Time" label, the date and time inside the actuator is read and displayed in the text box.
Select Command Signal: if the Modbus is enabled, this menu allows to select the type of command signal for driving the actuator (by default, set to Modbus command). To write the selected value into the actuator, press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.
BMS Command Signal [%]: allows to set the Modbus command for positioning the actuator between 0-100% (1% step). To send the command to the actuator, press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.
Action Type: if Modbus is enabled, this menu allows to select the action type of the actuator (direct or reverse). To write the selected value into the actuator, press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.
Modbus: allows to enable/disable the dip switches present on the actuator. If the dip switches are enabled, the command signal type and the type of action are set via the dip switches, if disabled they are set via Modbus. To write the selected value into the actuator, press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.
Jumper: allows to select if the emergency return direction is determined by the jumper inside the emergency return board (enabled) or by the Modbus register (addr. 5 bit 1). It's enabled only if the actuator model expects the emergency return board.
Failsafe Direction: it allows to select the emergency return direction (up or down) if "Enable Jumper" is disabled. It's enabled only if the actuator model expects the emergency return board.
Actuator Calibration: by clicking this button, it is possible to force the calibration of the actuator stroke.
Actuator Reset: by clicking this button, a software reset of the actuator is performed.
Factory settings: by clicking this button, the actuator reload inside the memory the default values (factory values). This action overwrites the configuration and data inside the actuator.
The variables in this window are read from the actuator and displayed when the "Configuration" tab is pressed from any tab or by pressing the "Update Page" item from the drop-down menu.
It is also possible to make an instant reading of a text box by clicking on the corresponding label.
Diagnostic Tab
In this window it's possible to view the status of the actuator and the presence of any anomalies:
- Stroke [mm]: represents the value of the actuator stroke calculated in mm during the calibration phase. It is a read-only value.
The section "COUNTERS" displays the number of events (mainly anomalies) that have occurred in the actuator. The events that can be viewed are:
Over Voltage: shows how many high voltage supply anomalies have occurred.
Under Voltage: shows how many low voltage supply anomalies have occurred.
Up Events: identifies the number of times that the actuator it has been found with the stem fully retracted.
Down Events: identifies the number of times that the actuator it has been found with the stem fully extended.
Unexpected Stall: identifies an anomaly of unexpected stall and this value represents the number of times that a stall has occurred within the stroke.
Extra Stroke: identifies an extra stroke anomaly, this value represents the number of times an extra-stroke has occurred compared to the stroke calculated during the learning phase (out-of-range stroke).
Over Max. Stroke: shows how many stroke anomalies calculated by the actuator in the learning phase (stroke greater than 60 mm) have occurred.
Under Min. Stroke: shows how many stroke anomalies calculated by the actuator in the learning phase (stroke less than 5 mm) have occurred.
The section "ERRORS" shows the possible errors present on the actuator:
Temperature Sensor T1: the temperature sensor connected to the terminal indicated with T1 (supply temperature) has an anomaly (if temperature sensors are available in the connected valve model).
Temperature Sensor T2: the temperature sensor connected to the terminal indicated with T2 (return temperature) has an anomaly (if temperature sensors are available in the connected valve model).
Pressure Sensor P1: the pressure sensor connected to the terminal indicated with A1 (input pressure) has an anomaly.
Pressure Sensor P2: the pressure sensor connected to the terminal indicated with A2 (output pressure) has an anomaly.
Under Min. Stroke (<5 mm): during the calibration phase, a stroke was calculated below the minimum allowed value.
Over Max. Stroke (>60 mm): during the calibration phase, a stroke above the maximum allowed value was calculated.
Unexpected Stall: the actuator is in an unexpected stall condition in the stroke range.
Extra Stroke: the actuator is in an extra-stroke condition; therefore, the actuator is in a position beyond the calculated stroke.
Low Supply Voltage: the power supply of the actuator is below the minimum allowed threshold (therefore the performance of the actuator is not guaranteed).
High Supply Voltage: the power supply of the actuator is above the maximum allowed threshold (the performance of the actuator is not guaranteed).
- RESET: this button allows to reset the event counters.
Clock: indicates that the time and date have not been set in the actuator since the last time the actuator was switched on (it is only necessary in the case of using the Energy information). Synchronization is carried out in the "Configuration" tab as described in the specific paragraph.
STATUS SWITCHES: allows to read the dip switches configuration present on the actuator.
Status Jumper Failsafe: it shows the jumper status (up or down) to indicate if the jumper on the emergency return board is inserted or not (it determines the failsafe direction). The Status jumper failsafe has meaning only if "Jumper" is set on "Enabled").
Active errors are highlighted in red colour.
The variables present in this window are read when the "Diagnostics" tab is pressed from any tab or when the "Read Device" item from the drop-down menu is pressed and also each time the section title at the top of the corresponding group of information is selected.
Delta T Maximization Tab
In this window it is possible to configure and check the parameters of the ΔT maximization function.
This tab is visible only if the system has 2 temperature sensors.
To save the set values, press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.
If one or both temperature sensors are disconnected or faulty, the items in this tab are all disabled (gray color) until the situation is restored.
∆T Set [°C]: represents the temperature value to be maintained to optimize heat exchange.
Action Type (P, P+I, P+I+D): represents the type of control of the system to be used for maximizing ΔT. To write the selected value into the actuator, press the "Enter" key on the keyboard.
Derivative Constant (gain): represents the contribution of the derivative action.
Integral Time [min]: value that defines the time within which the proportional action is proposed again.
Proportional bandwidth ∆T [°C]: represents the value beyond which want the output to be 100%.
∆T Min. Valve Opening [%]: represents the minimum loop output value (expressed as a percentage) necessary to ensure a minimum of leakage in the system.
∆T Activation Delay [sec]: represents the delay value for the activation of the loop (expressed in seconds), to allow the sensors to detect the water temperature.
Enable ∆T: allows to enable the ΔT maximization function. It is a read-only value and is set automatically if the ΔT maximization function is activated in the "Configuration" tab.
To save into the actuator the desired value it's necessary to press "Enter" key on the keyboard.
The variables in this window are read by the actuator and displayed when the "ΔT Maximization" tab is pressed from any tab or by pressing the "Read Device" item from the drop-down menu.
It is also possible to make a real time reading of a text box by clicking on the corresponding label.
Energy Tab
In this window the user can view all the information relating to the energy calculation (heating and cooling energy) carried out by the actuator.
This tab is visible only if the system has 2 temperature sensors.
If one or both temperature sensors are disconnected or faulty, the items in this tab are all disabled (gray color) until the situation is restored.
The information visible in this window are:
- INSTANT POWER section:
- Min. Instant Power [kW]: displays the minimum instantaneous power value since the last power-on.
- Max. Instant Power [kW]: displays the maximum instantaneous power value since the last power-on.
Total Energy [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used up to that moment.
Every 1 Hour [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used in the previous hour.
At 31/12 [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used up to 31 December of the current year.
January [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used in the month of January.
February [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used in the month of February.
March [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used in the month of March.
April [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used in the month of April.
May [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used in the month of May.
June [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used in the month of June.
July [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used in the month of July.
August [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used in the month of August.
September [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used in the month of September.
October [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used in the month of October.
November [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used in the month of November.
December [MWh]: represents the energy (heating energy) used in the month of December.
Total Energy [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used up to that moment.
Every 1 Hour [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used in the previous hour.
At 31/12 [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used up to 31 December of the current year.
January [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used in the month of January.
February [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used in the month of February.
March [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used in the month of March.
April [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used in the month of April.
May [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used in the month of May.
June [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used in the month of June.
July [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used in the month of July.
August [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used in the month of August.
September [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used in the month of September.
October [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used in the month of October.
November [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used in the month of November.
December [MWh]: represents the energy (cooling energy) used in the month of December.
CHARTS: after selecting the variables (heating energy, cooling energy or both) to plot, pressing the "SHOW" button displays a histogram chart of the energy for the 12 months of the year (see figure 16).
The variables present in this window are read by the actuator and displayed when the "Energy" tab is pressed from any tab or by pressing the "Refresh Page" item from the drop-down menu.
It is also possible to perform an instant reading of the information contained in the various sections by clicking on the relevant header label.