Modbus Database Description
The purpose of the following chapter is to provide the description of the variables present in the Modbus database for the operation of the EBV system.
The database has been divided into the following functional areas:
Each register in the database can be visible, both for reading and for writing. The database is divided into the following functional areas:
Register address 0: System Configuration
This registry shows product part number.
Register address 1: Modbus Baud Rate
It defines the possibility to set the Modbus protocol baud rate according to the following possibilities:
Address 1 (Value) | Modbus Baud Rate |
1 | 9600 |
2 | 19200 |
Register address 2: Modbus Communication Parameters
Defines the Modbus communication parameters according to the following possibilities:
Address 2 (Value) | Modbus Communication Parameters |
1 | 1-8-N-2 (1 bit di start, 8 di dati, senza parità e 2 bit di stop) |
2 | 1-8-O-1 (1 bit di start, 8 di dati, parità dispari e 1 bit di stop) |
3 | 1-8-E-1 (1 bit di start, 8 di dati, parità pari e 1 bit di stop) |
4 | 1-8-N-1 (1 bit di start, 8 di dati, senza parità e 1 bit di stop) |
Register address 3: Modbus Address
Defines the Modbus address of the device from 1 to 255.
Register address 4: Command Signal
Defines the type of actuator command signal (selectable via Modbus only if dip switches are disabled):
Address 4 (Value) | Command Signal |
0 | Modbus (the command of the actuator is set via the Modbus command into the range 0-100%) |
1 | 0 - 10 V (the Modbus connection can be present to configure and monitor the system) |
2 | 2 - 10 V (the Modbus connection can be present to configure and monitor the system) |
3 | 0 - 5 V (the Modbus connection can be present to configure and monitor the system) |
4 | 5 - 10 V (the Modbus connection can be present to configure and monitor the system) |
5 | 2 - 6 V (the Modbus connection can be present to configure and monitor the system) |
6 | 6 - 10 V (the Modbus connection can be present to configure and monitor the system) |
7 | 3 Points command (the Modbus connection can be present to configure and monitor the system). In EBV system is not possible to set this configuration. |
The 4-20mA command can only be set via DIP switches.
Register Address 5: Command Signal Action and Setting of the Emergency Return Direction
Defines the action type of the command signal (direct or reverse action) and the direction of the actuator in case of emergency return (function present only for models with emergency return).
Address 5 (Value) | Configuration of the Actuator Action and Fail-safe Direction |
Bit 0 | Direct action (bit0=1); reverse (bit0=0) |
Bit 1 | Fail-safe DOWN (bit1=1); fail-safe UP (bit1=0) |
Register Address 6: Forced Calibration of the Stroke
Defines the possibility of performing forced calibration of the stroke (by writing the bit 0 to 1). At the end of the calibration the bit is automatically reset.
Register Address 7: Enable DIP Switch & Jumper for Emergency Return
Defines the enabling of the dip switches and the jumper for selecting the direction in case of emergency return according to the following table:
Address 7 (Value) | Enabling |
0 | DIP switches and jumper enabled |
1 | DIP switches enabled and jumper disabled |
2 | DIP switches disabled and jumper enabled |
3 | DIP switches and jumper disabled |
Register Address 8
Not used by the EBV system.
Register Address 9
Not used by the EBV system.
Register Address 10: Operation Status Word Loop
Defines the enabling of the EBV system operating loops according to the following table:
Address 10 (bits) | Status Word Loop (PSW) |
Bit 0 | Not used by the EBV system |
Bit 1 | Not used by the EBV system |
Bit 2 | Not used by the EBV system |
Bit 3 | BYPASS ΔP operation (with bit3=0 the ΔP algorithm is active) |
Bit 4 | BYPASS ΔT operation (with bit4=0 the algorithm is active) |
Bit 5 | BYPASS POWER operation (with bit5=0 the power management algorithm is active) |
Bit 6 | Not used by the EBV system |
Register Address 11: System Information
It contains a progressive serial number inserted during the testing phase. The serial number refers to a document that explains the following information:
EBV system identification code
Date of manufacture and testing
Test result
Register Address 12: Firmware Version of the Board
Defines the firmware version of the board according to the following code:
Most significant byte: a number from 0 to 255 to identify an important firmware revision of the board.
Least significant byte: a number from 0 to 255 to identify less significant changes such as "bug fixing".
Register Address 13: DIP Switches & Push Button & Jumper Status
Defines the status of the dip switches, the push button (used for the forced calibration of the stroke) and the jumper (used to define the direction of the emergency return) according to the following table:
Address 13 (bits) | DIP Switch & Push Button & Jumper Status |
Bit 0 | Direct action (bit0 = 1). Reverse action (bit0 = 0) |
Bit 1 | Modulating control (bit1 = 1). 3 POINTS control (bit1 = 0) |
Bit 2 | No Sequence (bit2 = 1). Sequence (bit2 = 0). |
Bit 3 | 0-10V control (bit3 = 1). 2-10 V control (bit3 = 0). |
Bit 4 | 0-5V/2-6V control (bit4 = 1). 5-10 V/6-10 V control (bit4 = 0) |
Bit 5 | Voltage control (bit5 = 1). Current control (bit5 = 0). |
Bit 6 | Push Button status (for calibration). Pressed (bit6 = 1), Released (bit6 = 0) |
Bit 7 | Jumper status. Bit7 = 1 (fail-safe DOWN). Bit7 = 0 (fail-safe UP). |
Register Address 19: Over Voltage Events
The system over voltage events are stored in this address, that is:
24 V + 20%
230 V + 10%
Default value is 0 and will start from 1 with the first error event.
If the value of the register reaches the maximum limit (65534 = 0xFFFE) this value will remain in memory.
Register Address 20: Under Voltage Events
The system under voltage events are stored in this address, that is:
24 V - 20%
230 V - 10%
Default value is 0 and will start from 1 with the first error event.
If the value of the register reaches the maximum limit (65534 = 0xFFFE) this value will remain in memory.
Register Address 21: Number of Full Opening Event
This address stores the valve full opening events. The default value is 0 and will start from 1 which corresponds to 10 total valve opening (in order to avoid continuous writing on the memory that could damage the component). If the value of the Register reaches the maximum limit (65534 = 0xFFFE) this value will remain in memory.
Register Address 22: Number of Full Closing Events
This address stores the valve full closing events. The default value is 0 and will start from 1 which corresponds to 10 total valve opening (in order to avoid continuous writing on the memory that could damage the component). If the value of the register reaches the maximum limit (65534 = 0xFFFE) this value will remain in memory.
Register Address 23: Unexpected Stall Events Within the Stroke
Unexpected stall events within the valve stroke are stored in this address. The default value is 0 and will start from 1 which corresponds to 1 unexpected stall event. If the value of the register reaches the maximum limit (65534 = 0xFFFE) this value will remain in memory.
Register Address 24: Unexpected Stall Events Outside the Stroke
This address stores unexpected stall events outside the stroke valve (extra stroke). The default value is 0 and will start from 1 which corresponds to 1 unexpected stall event. If the value of the register reaches the maximum limit (65534 = 0xFFFE) this value will remain in memory.
Register Address 25: Stroke Calculation Events Greater Than 60 mm
This address stores the calculation events of the stroke greater than 5mm (during the calibration phase). The default value is 0 and will start from 1 which corresponds to 1 calculation event of the stroke less than 5mm. If the value of the Register reaches the maximum limit (65534 = 0xFFFE) this value will remain in memory.
Register Address 26: Stroke Calculation Events Less Than 5 mm
This address stores the calculation events of the stroke less than 5mm (during the calibration phase). The default value is 0 and will start from 1 which corresponds to 1 calculation event of the stroke less than 5mm. If the value of the Register reaches the maximum limit (65534 = 0xFFFE) this value will remain in memory.
Register Address 27: Operating States
The operating states of the system are stored in this address according to the following table:
Address 27 (bits) | Operating States |
Bit 0 | Normal (bit0 = 1). In this state the system works normally. |
Bit 1 | Initial positioning (bit1 = 1). After switching-on or after using the manual override, the actuator performs the initial positioning in the direction defined by the action type (direct or reverse). |
Bit 2 | Calibration (bit2 = 1). In this operating state, the actuator is calculating the valve stroke. |
Bit 3 | Fail Safe (bit3 = 1). In this operating state, the actuator is performing an emergency return. |
Bit 4 | Error (bit4 = 1). In this operating state, the actuator is faulty. The type of error is indicated in the address word 28 |
Bit 5 | Manual override (bit5 = 1). In this operating state, the manual override is active. |
Register Address 28: Type of Error
The types of errors are stored in this address according to the following table:
Address 28 (bits) | Errors |
Bit 0 | Supply temperature sensor error (T1). This error (bit0 = 1) indicates an out-of-scale value of the supply temperature sensor (if provided). |
Bit 1 | Return temperature sensor error (T2). This error (bit1 = 1) indicates an out-of-scale value of the return temperature sensor (if provided). |
Bit 2 | Input pressure sensor error (P1). This error (bit2 = 1) indicates an out-of-range value of the inlet pressure sensor (if provided). |
Bit 3 | Output pressure sensor error (P2). This error (bit3 = 1) indicates an out-of-range value of the outlet pressure sensor (if provided). |
Bit 4 | Calculation error of the valve stroke less than 5 mm. This error (bit4 = 1) indicates that the stroke value calculated by the calibration phase is less than 5 mm. |
Bit 5 | Calculation error of the valve stroke greater than 60 mm. This error (bit5 = 1) indicates that the stroke value calculated by the calibration phase is greater than 60 mm. |
Bit 6 | Unexpected stall error within the calculated stroke. This error (bit6 = 1) indicates an unexpected stall within the calculated stroke. |
Bit 7 | Unexpected stall error outside the calculated stroke. This error (bit7 = 1) indicates an unexpected stall outside the calculated stroke. |
Bit 8 | Low voltage error. This error (bit8 = 1) indicates that the value of the supply voltage is below 20% of the nominal value. |
Bit 9 | High voltage error. This error (bit9 = 1) indicates that the value of the supply voltage is above 20% of the nominal value. |
Bit 10 | Clock error. This error (bit10 = 1) indicates that the time and date values have not been initialized (from the BMS or the cloud). It's set to 0 by the firmware once the time and date have been set. |
Area Input/Output
Register Address 33: Actuator Reset
Through this register it is possible to perform a forced reset of the system by forcing its value to 1.
Register Address 34: Command Signal from the BMS (0-100%)
This register contains the value of the BMS command in the range 0-100%.
Register Address 35
Not used by the EBV system.
Register Address 36
Not used by the EBV system.
Register Address 37: Feedback Signal
This register contains the value of the valve position (feedback) in the range 0-100%.
The value contained in the register is multiplied by 10.
Dynamic Balancing (ΔP Algorithm)
This section of the database contains the registers necessary for calculating the flow rate by measuring the input and output pressure of the valve and knowing the characteristic curve of the valve. For each nominal diameter of the valve (DN) the characteristic curve is obtained through 4 segments (the angular coefficient "m" and the offset "q" are defined for each segment).
Register Address 43: Nominal Flow Rate (m3/h)
This database register contains the nominal valve flow value (Kvs) defined according to the selected DN:
Valve | DN | Nominal Flow Rate (m3/h) |
2FGB65B | 65 | 37 |
2FGB80B | 80 | 59 |
2FGB100B | 100 | 77 |
2FGB125B | 125 | 118 |
2FGB150B | 150 | 177 |
Register Address 44: Maximum Desired Flow Rate (m3/h)
This database register contains the maximum flow rate value of the desired valve which also corresponds to a percentage of the value defined in the address register 43. By default, the maximum desired flow rates are set at the nominal flow rate.
Register Address 45: Valve Stroke (mm)
This database register contains the calculated valve stroke value. The value stored in the register is multiplied by 100. A value of 500 corresponds to a stroke of 5 mm.
Register Address 46: Input Pressure (bar)
This database register contains the value of the valve input pressure (P1). The value stored in the register is multiplied by 100. A value of 1600 corresponds to an inlet pressure of 16 bar.
Register Address 47: Output Pressure (bar)
This database register contains the value of the valve output pressure (P2). The value stored in the register is multiplied by 100. A value of 1600 corresponds to an outlet pressure of 16 bar.
Register Address 48: Pressure Difference (bar)
This database register contains the value of P1-P2 (ΔP). The value stored in the register is multiplied by 100. A value of 1600 corresponds to a pressure difference of 16 bar.
Register Address 49: ΔP Out Loop (0-100%)
This database register contains the output value of the balancing algorithm (ΔP algorithm). The value stored in the register is in the range 0-100% (percentage of the calculated stroke).
Register Address 50: Segment 1 DN65 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the first segment relative to the DN65 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 51: Segment 1 DN65 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the first segment relative to the DN65 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 52: Segment 2 DN65 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the second segment relative to the DN65 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 53: Segment 2 DN65 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the second segment relative to the DN65 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 54: Segment 3 DN65 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the third segment relative to the DN65 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 55: Segment 3 DN65 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the third segment relative to the DN65 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 56: Segment 4 DN65 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the fourth segment relative to the DN65 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 57: Segment 4 DN65 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the fourth segment relative to the DN65 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 58: General offset DN65 (Hysteresis)
This database register contains the offset value which takes into account the hysteresis of the DN65 valve. The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 59: Segment 1 DN80 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the first segment relative to the DN80 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 60: Segment 1 DN80 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the first segment relative to the DN80 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 61: Segment 2 DN80 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the second segment relative to the DN80 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 62: Segment 2 DN80 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the second segment relative to the DN80 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 63: Segment 3 DN80 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the third segment relative to the DN80 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 64: Segment 3 DN80 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the third segment relative to the DN80 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 65: Segment 4 DN80 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the fourth segment relative to the DN80 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 66: Segment 4 DN80 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the fourth segment relative to the DN80 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 67: General offset DN80 (Hysteresis)
This database register contains the offset value which takes into account the hysteresis of the DN80 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 68: Segment 1 DN100 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the first segment relative to the DN100 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 69: Segment 1 DN100 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the first segment relative to the DN100 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 70: Segment 2 DN100 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the second segment relative to the DN100 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 71: Segment 2 DN100 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the second segment relative to the DN100 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 72: Segment 3 DN100 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the third segment relative to the DN100 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 73: Segment 3 DN100 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the third segment relative to the DN100 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 74: Segment 4 DN100 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the fourth segment relative to the DN100 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 75: Segment 4 DN100 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the fourth segment relative to the DN100 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 76: General Offset DN100 (Hysteresis)
This database register contains the offset value which considers the hysteresis of the DN100 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 77: Segment 1 DN125 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the first segment relative to the DN125 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 78: Segment 1 DN125 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the first segment relative to the DN125 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 79: Segment 2 DN125 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the second segment relative to the DN125 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 80: Segment 2 DN125 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the second segment relative to the DN125 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 81: Segment 3 DN125 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the third segment relative to the DN125 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 82: Segment 3 DN125 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the third segment relative to the DN125 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 83: Segment 4 DN125 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the fourth segment relative to the DN125 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 84: Segment 4 DN125 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the fourth segment relative to the DN125 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 85: General Offset DN125 (Hysteresis)
This database register contains the offset value which takes into account the hysteresis of the DN125 valve. The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 86: Segment 1 DN150 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the first segment relative to the DN150 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 87: Segment 1 DN150 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the first segment relative to the DN150 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 88: Segment 2 DN150 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the second segment relative to the DN150 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 89: Segment 2 DN150 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the second segment relative to the DN150 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 90: Segment 3 DN150 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the third segment relative to the DN150 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 91: Segment 3 DN150 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the third segment relative to the DN150 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 92: Segment 4 DN150 (Angular Coefficient)
This database register contains the value of the angular coefficient of the fourth segment relative to the DN150 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 93: Segment 4 DN150 (Offset)
This database register contains the value of the offset of the fourth segment relative to the DN150 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 94: General Offset DN150 (Hysteresis)
This database register contains the offset value which takes into account the hysteresis of the DN150 valve.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 1000.
Register Address 95: Calculated flow rate (m3/h)
This database register contains the calculated flow rate value.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 10.
ΔT Maximization (Maximization ΔT Algorithm)
This section of the database contains the register necessary for ΔT maximization.
The function allows to optimize the efficiency of the system by avoiding that the difference between the supply and return temperatures is not less than a certain value (ΔT set register).
The function creates a minimum limit that intervenes when the ΔT is lower than the ΔT set by limiting the water flow needed to ensure efficient heat exchange.
Register Address 100: ΔT Set (°C)
This database register contains the value of the ΔT set.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 10.
Register Address 101: Action Type of the Loop
This database register contains the type of loop action that can be:
Address 101 (Value) | Action Type |
0 | Proportional (P) |
1 | Proportional Integral (PI) |
2 | Proportional Integral Derivative (PID) |
Register Address 102: Derivative Time
This database register contains the derivative time of the derivative action expressed as "gain" from 1 to 1000 (default value is 1).
Register Address 103: Integral Time (min)
This database register contains the integral time of the integral action expressed in minutes.
Register Address 104: Proportional Bandwidth ΔT (°C)
This database register contains the proportional band of the ΔT loop. The value stored in the register is multiplied by 10.
Register Address 105: Minimum Output Value ΔT (%)
This database register contains the minimum loop output value (expressed as a percentage) necessary to ensure a minimum of leakage in the system.
Register Address 106: Activation Delay ΔT (sec)
This database register contains the delay value for the activation of the loop (expressed in seconds), to allow the sensors to detect the water temperature.
Register Address 107: Enable ΔT
This database register contains the loop enable value. A value of 1 in the register indicates that the loop is enabled. The value 0 indicates that it is disabled.
Register Address 108: Supply Temperature (°C)
This database register contains the supply temperature value. The value stored in the register is multiplied by 10.
If the sensor is disconnected or faulty, the stored value is 5000.
Register Address 109: Return Temperature (°C)
This database register contains the return temperature value.
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 10.
If the sensor is disconnected or faulty, the stored value is 5000.
Register Address 110: ΔT(°C)
This database register contains the value of the difference between the supply and return temperatures (ΔT).
The value stored in the register is multiplied by 10.
If the supply and/or return temperature sensor is disconnected or faulty, the stored value is 5000.
Register Address 111: Out Loop ΔT (%)
This database register contains the value of the ΔT loop output expressed as a percentage of the stroke.
Energy Calculation Loop
This section of the database contains the registers necessary for calculating the power and energy consumed by the system.
Register Address 117: Minimum Instantaneous Power (kW)
This database register contains the minimum value of the instantaneous power until that point.
Register Address 118: Maximum Instantaneous Power (kW)
This database register contains the maximum value of the instantaneous power until that point.
Register Address 119: Instantaneous Power (kW)
This database register contains the calculated value of the instantaneous power.
If the supply and/or return temperature sensor is disconnected or faulty, the stored value is 65535.
Register Address 120: Energy – Heating (kWh)
This database register contains the least significant word of the total energy (heating) consumed.
The value stored in the register is expressed in kWh.
Register Address 121: Energy – Heating (kWh)
This database register contains the most significant word of the total value of energy (heating) consumed. The value stored in the register is expressed in kWh. The combination of the 2 registers provides the energy (warm) consumed up to that moment. The data is stored in the internal memory of the actuator every hour, so in case of shutdown at the next restart, the data in the database will be updated at the last hour of operation.
Register Address 122: Energy – Cooling (kWh)
This database register contains the least significant word of the total energy (cooling) consumed.
The value stored in the register is expressed in kWh.
Register Address 123: Energy – Cooling (kWh)
This database register contains the most significant word of the total value of energy (cooling) consumed. The value stored in the register is expressed in kWh. The combination of the 2 registers provides the energy (cold) consumed up to that moment. The data is stored in the internal memory of the actuator every hour, so in case of shutdown at the next restart, the data in the database will be updated at the last hour of operation.
Register Address 124: Energy – Heating (kWh) (5 Minutes)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the 5 minutes before the current time.
Register Address 125: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (5 Minutes)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the 5 minutes before the current time.
Register Address 126: Energy – Heating (kWh) (10 Minutes)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the 10 minutes before the current time.
Register Address 127: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (10 Minutes)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the 10 minutes before the current time.
Register Address 128: Energy – Heating (kWh) (15 Minutes)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed between 10 and 15 minutes before the current time.
Register Address 129: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (15 Minutes)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed between 10 and 15 minutes before the current time.
Register Address 130: Energy – Heating (kWh) (20 Minutes)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed between 15 and 20 minutes before the current time.
Register Address 131: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (20 Minutes)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed between 15 and 20 minutes before the current time.
Register Address 132: Energy – Heating (kWh) (25 Minutes)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed between 20 and 25 before the current time.
Register Address 133: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (25 Minutes)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed between 20 and 25 minutes before the current time.
Register Address 134: Energy – Heating (kWh) (30 Minutes)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed between 25 and 30 minutes before the current time.
Register Address 135: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (30 Minutes)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed between 25 and 30 minutes before the current time.
Register Address 136: Energy – Heating (kWh) (1 Hour)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the 60 minutes before the current time.
Register Address 137: Energy – Cold (kWh) (1 Hour)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the 60 minutes before the current time.
Register Address 138: Energy – Heating (kWh) (12/31)
This database register contains the least significant word of the value of energy (heating) consumed in the year before the current year.
The value stored in the register is expressed in kWh.
Register Address 139: Energy – Heating (kWh) (12/31)
This database register contains the most significant word of the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the year before the current year.
The value stored in the register is expressed in kWh.
The combination of the 2 registers provides the energy (warm) consumed in the year before the current year.
Register Address 140: Energy – Heating (kWh) (January)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the month of January.
Register Address 141: Energy – Heating (kWh) (February)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the month of February.
Register Address 142: Energy – Heating (kWh) (March)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the month of March.
Register Address 143: Energy – Heating (kWh) (April)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the month of April.
Register Address 144: Energy – Heating (kWh) (May)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the month of May.
Register Address 145: Energy – Heating (kWh) (June)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the month of June.
Register Address 146: Energy – Heating (kWh) (July)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the month of July.
Register Address 147: Energy – Heating (kWh) (August)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the month of August.
Register Address 148: Energy – Heating (kWh) (September)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the month of September.
Register Address 149: Energy – Heating (kWh) (October)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the month of October.
Register Address 150: Energy – Heating (kWh) (November)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the month of November.
Register Address 151: Energy – Heating (kWh) (December)
This database register contains the value of the energy (heating) consumed in the month of December.
Register Address 152: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (12/31)
This database register contains the least significant word of the value of energy (cooling) consumed in the year before the current year.
The value stored in the register is expressed in kWh.
Register Address 153: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (12/31)
This database register contains the most significant word of the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the year before the current year.
The value stored in the register is expressed in kWh.
The combination of the 2 registers provides the energy (cold) consumed in the year before the current year.
Register Address 154: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (January)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the month of January.
Register Address 155: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (February)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the month of February.
Register Address 156: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (March)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the month of March.
Register Address 157: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (April)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the month of April.
Register Address 158: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (May)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the month of May.
Register Address 159: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (June)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the month of June.
Register Address 160: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (July)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the month of July.
Register Address 161: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (August)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the month of August.
Register Address 162: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (September)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the month of September.
Register Address 163: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (October)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the month of October.
Register Address 164: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (November)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the month of November.
Register Address 165: Energy – Cooling (kWh) (December)
This database register contains the value of the energy (cooling) consumed in the month of December.
Temperature Regulation Loop
This section of the database contains the registers needed to manage the temperature regulation loop but is not used by the system EBV.
Clock Functions
This section of the database contains the registers that store the date and time of the actuator once they have been synchronized (only necessary in the case of energy calculation).
The actuator doesn't have a "buffer" battery so that every time it is turned-off or reset the date and time are lost, a new synchronization will therefore be required.
Register Address 180
Not used by the EBV system.
Register Address 181: Minutes
This database register contains the value of the minutes received during the time synchronization phase.
Register Address 182: Hours
This database register contains the value of the hours received during the time synchronization phase.
Register Address 183: Day
This database register contains the value of the day received during the time synchronization phase.
Register Address 184: Month
This database register contains the value of the month received during the time synchronization phase.
Register Address 185: Year
This database register contains the value of the year received during the time synchronization phase.
Register Address 186: Reset EEPROM Area
This database register allows to reset EEPROM area.
Writing the value to 1 will reset the memory area to the default values.
Loop Outputs
This section of the database contains the registers corresponding to the various outputs of the system control loops.
Register Address 192: Loop Output BMS (%)
This database register contains the percentage output value of the BMS loop.
Register Address 193
Not used by the EBV system.
Register Address 194: Loop Output ΔT (%)
This database register contains the percentage output value of the ΔT loop.If one or both of the temperature sensors are disconnected or faulty, the stored value is 5000.
Register Address 195: Loop Output ΔP (%)
This database register contains the percentage output value of the dynamic balancing function calculated by measuring the differential pressure and the valve characteristic.
Register Address 196
Not used by the EBV system.
Register Address 197: Output Power Loop (%)
This database register contains the percentage output value of the power regulation loop.
If one or both temperature sensors are disconnected or faulty, the stored value is 5000.
Register Address 198
Not used by the EBV system.
Register Address 199: Operating Loop Output (%)
This database register contains the percentage out value of the operational loop resulting from the actually enabled functions.
Power Loop
This section of the database contains the registers needed to manage a power loop. The maximum power values obtainable by the valve are determined according to the ΔT of 6K, 10K, 15K, 20K.
Valve | DN | Max. Power (kW) | Max. Power (kW) | Max. Power (kW) | Max. Power (kW) |
2FGB65B | 65 | 253 | 422 | 633 | 843 |
2FGB80B | 80 | 403 | 672 | 1009 | 1345 |
2FGB100B | 100 | 527 | 878 | 1316 | 1755 |
2FGB125B | 125 | 807 | 1345 | 2017 | 2690 |
2FGB150B | 150 | 1210 | 2017 | 3026 | 4034 |
Register Address 206: Nominal Power of the Valve (KW)
This database register contains the value of the nominal power of the valve chosen according to the values shown in the previous table.
Register Address 207: Maximum Desired Power Set (KW)
This database register contains the value of the desired maximum power set which will depend on the DN of the selected valve according to the maximum values defined in the previous table.
Register Address 212: Output Value of the Power Loop (%)
This database register contains the percentage output value of the power regulation loop.
Volumetric Function
This section of the database contains the registers needed to manage the volumetric but is not used by the system EBV.