Light Submenu Registers
Please note that the following table contains registers for all series of the Control Point panels.
Modbus address | Decimal address | Hex address | Register name | Access | Description | |||
40807 | 806 | 0x326 | LIGHT_MENU_ACTIVE_POINTS | Read/write, memory | Number of active parameters in the submenu | |||
40075 | 74 | 0x4A | LIGHT_NUMERIC1_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40810 | 809 | 0x329 | LIGHT_NUMERIC1_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40812 | 811 | 0x32B | LIGHT_NUMERIC1_STEP | Read/write, memory | Step of the parameter value change. Default: 0. | |||
40813 | 812 | 0x32C | LIGHT_NUMERIC1_LOW_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Minimum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40814 | 813 | 0x32D | LIGHT_NUMERIC1_HIGH_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Maximum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40815 | 814 | 0x32E | LIGHT_NUMERIC1_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the submenu | |||
40816 | 815 | 0x32F | LIGHT_NUMERIC1_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | Bit | Parameter | 0 | 1 |
0 | Active | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
2 | First point active | No decimal place (default) | One decimal place active | |||||
3 | Second point active | No decimal place (default) | Two decimal places active | |||||
4 | Third point active | No decimal place (default) | Three decimal places active | |||||
6 | C unit active | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
7 | F unit active | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
8 | Pa unit active | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
9 | Lx unit active | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
10 | ppm unit active | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
11 | m3/h unit active | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
12 | %Rh unit active | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
13 | l/s unit active | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
14 | % unit active | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
15 | h unit active | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
40076 | 75 | 0x4B | LIGHT_NUMERIC2_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40819 | 818 | 0x332 | LIGHT_NUMERIC2_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40821 | 820 | 0x334 | LIGHT_NUMERIC2_STEP | Read/write, memory | Step of the parameter value change. Default: 0. | |||
40822 | 821 | 0x335 | LIGHT_NUMERIC2_LOW_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Minimum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40823 | 822 | 0x336 | LIGHT_NUMERIC2_HIGH_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Maximum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40824 | 823 | 0x337 | LIGHT_NUMERIC2_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the submenu | |||
40825 | 824 | 0x338 | LIGHT_NUMERIC2_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | See the table in LIGHT_NUMERIC1_CONFIGURATION (40816) | |||
40077 | 76 | 0x4C | LIGHT_NUMERIC3_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40828 | 827 | 0x33B | LIGHT_NUMERIC3_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40830 | 829 | 0x33D | LIGHT_NUMERIC3_STEP | Read/write, memory | Step of the parameter value change. Default: 0. | |||
40831 | 830 | 0x33E | LIGHT_NUMERIC3_LOW_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Minimum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40832 | 831 | 0x33F | LIGHT_NUMERIC3_HIGH_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Maximum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40833 | 832 | 0x340 | LIGHT_NUMERIC3_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the submenu | |||
40834 | 833 | 0x341 | LIGHT_NUMERIC3_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | See the table in LIGHT_NUMERIC1_CONFIGURATION (40816) | |||
40078 | 77 | 0x4D | LIGHT_NUMERIC4_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40837 | 836 | 0x344 | LIGHT_NUMERIC4_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40839 | 838 | 0x346 | LIGHT_NUMERIC4_STEP | Read/write, memory | Step of the parameter value change. Default: 0. | |||
40840 | 839 | 0x347 | LIGHT_NUMERIC4_LOW_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Minimum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40841 | 840 | 0x348 | LIGHT_NUMERIC4_HIGH_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Maximum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40842 | 841 | 0x349 | LIGHT_NUMERIC4_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the submenu | |||
40843 | 842 | 0x34A | LIGHT_NUMERIC4_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | See the table in LIGHT_NUMERIC1_CONFIGURATION (40816) | |||
40079 | 78 | 0x4E | LIGHT_NUMERIC5_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40846 | 845 | 0x34D | LIGHT_NUMERIC5_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40848 | 847 | 0x34F | LIGHT_NUMERIC5_STEP | Read/write, memory | Step of the parameter value change. Default: 0. | |||
40849 | 848 | 0x350 | LIGHT_NUMERIC5_LOW_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Minimum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40850 | 849 | 0x351 | LIGHT_NUMERIC5_HIGH_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Maximum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40851 | 850 | 0x352 | LIGHT_NUMERIC5_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the submenu | |||
40852 | 851 | 0x353 | LIGHT_NUMERIC5_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | See the table in LIGHT_NUMERIC1_CONFIGURATION (40816) | |||
40080 | 79 | 0x4F | LIGHT_NUMERIC6_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40855 | 854 | 0x356 | LIGHT_NUMERIC6_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40857 | 856 | 0x358 | LIGHT_NUMERIC6_STEP | Read/write, memory | Step of the parameter value change. Default: 0. | |||
40858 | 857 | 0x359 | LIGHT_NUMERIC6_LOW_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Minimum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40859 | 858 | 0x35A | LIGHT_NUMERIC6_HIGH_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Maximum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40860 | 859 | 0x35B | LIGHT_NUMERIC6_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the submenu | |||
40861 | 860 | 0x35C | LIGHT_NUMERIC6_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | See the table in LIGHT_NUMERIC1_CONFIGURATION (40816) | |||
40081 | 80 | 0x50 | LIGHT_NUMERIC7_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40864 | 863 | 0x35F | LIGHT_NUMERIC7_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40866 | 865 | 0x361 | LIGHT_NUMERIC7_STEP | Read/write, memory | Step of the parameter value change. Default: 0. | |||
40867 | 866 | 0x362 | LIGHT_NUMERIC7_LOW_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Minimum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40868 | 867 | 0x363 | LIGHT_NUMERIC7_HIGH_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Maximum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40869 | 868 | 0x364 | LIGHT_NUMERIC7_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the submenu | |||
40870 | 869 | 0x365 | LIGHT_NUMERIC7_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | See the table in LIGHT_NUMERIC1_CONFIGURATION (40816) | |||
40082 | 81 | 0x51 | LIGHT_NUMERIC8_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40873 | 872 | 0x368 | LIGHT_NUMERIC8_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40875 | 874 | 0x36A | LIGHT_NUMERIC8_STEP | Read/write, memory | Step of the parameter value change. Default: 0. | |||
40876 | 875 | 0x36B | LIGHT_NUMERIC8_LOW_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Minimum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40877 | 876 | 0x36C | LIGHT_NUMERIC8_HIGH_LIMIT | Read/write, memory | Maximum value of the parameter. Default: 0. | |||
40878 | 877 | 0x36D | LIGHT_NUMERIC8_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the submenu | |||
40879 | 878 | 0x36E | LIGHT_NUMERIC8_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | See the table in LIGHT_NUMERIC1_CONFIGURATION (40816) | |||
40110 | 109 | 0x6D | LIGHT_BOOLEAN_ALL_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Bit | Parameter | 0 | 1 |
0 | BOOLEAN1_PRESENT_VALUE | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
1 | BOOLEAN2_PRESENT_VALUE | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
… | … | … | … | |||||
6 | BOOLEAN7_PRESENT_VALUE | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
7 | BOOLEAN8_PRESENT_VALUE | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
40138 | 137 | 0x89 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN1_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40882 | 881 | 0x371 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN1_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40884 | 883 | 0x373 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN1_TRUE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s true value | |||
40886 | 885 | 0x375 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN1_FALSE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s false value | |||
40888 | 887 | 0x377 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN1_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the main menu | |||
40889 | 888 | 0x378 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN1_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | Bit | Parameter | 0 | 1 |
0 | ACTIVE | Not active (default) | Active | |||||
1 | EDITABLE | Not editable | Editable (default) | |||||
40139 | 138 | 0x8A | LIGHT_BOOLEAN2_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40892 | 891 | 0x37B | LIGHT_BOOLEAN2_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40894 | 893 | 0x37D | LIGHT_BOOLEAN2_TRUE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s true value | |||
40896 | 895 | 0x37F | LIGHT_BOOLEAN2_FALSE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s false value | |||
40898 | 897 | 0x381 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN2_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the main menu | |||
40899 | 898 | 0x382 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN2_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | See the table in LIGHT_BOOLEAN1_CONFIGURATION (40889) | |||
40140 | 139 | 0x8B | LIGHT_BOOLEAN3_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40902 | 901 | 0x385 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN3_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40904 | 903 | 0x387 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN3_TRUE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s true value | |||
40906 | 905 | 0x389 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN3_FALSE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s false value | |||
40908 | 907 | 0x38B | LIGHT_BOOLEAN3_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the main menu | |||
40909 | 908 | 0x38C | LIGHT_BOOLEAN3_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | See the table in LIGHT_BOOLEAN1_CONFIGURATION (40889) | |||
40141 | 140 | 0x8C | LIGHT_BOOLEAN4_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40912 | 911 | 0x38F | LIGHT_BOOLEAN4_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40914 | 913 | 0x391 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN4_TRUE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s true value | |||
40916 | 915 | 0x393 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN4_FALSE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s false value | |||
40918 | 917 | 0x395 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN4_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the main menu | |||
40919 | 918 | 0x396 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN4_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | See the table in LIGHT_BOOLEAN1_CONFIGURATION (40889) | |||
40142 | 141 | 0x8D | LIGHT_BOOLEAN5_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40922 | 921 | 0x399 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN5_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40924 | 923 | 0x39B | LIGHT_BOOLEAN5_TRUE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s true value | |||
40926 | 925 | 0x39D | LIGHT_BOOLEAN5_FALSE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s false value | |||
40928 | 927 | 0x39F | LIGHT_BOOLEAN5_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the main menu | |||
40929 | 928 | 0x3A0 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN5_CONFIGURATION | Re Read/write, memory | See the table in LIGHT_BOOLEAN1_CONFIGURATION (40889) | |||
40143 | 142 | 0x8E | LIGHT_BOOLEAN6_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40932 | 931 | 0x3A3 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN6_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40934 | 933 | 0x3A5 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN6_TRUE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s true value | |||
40936 | 935 | 0x3A7 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN6_FALSE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s false value | |||
40938 | 937 | 0x3A9 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN6_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the main menu | |||
40939 | 938 | 0x3AA | LIGHT_BOOLEAN6_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | See the table in LIGHT_BOOLEAN1_CONFIGURATION (40889) | |||
40144 | 143 | 0x8F | LIGHT_BOOLEAN7_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40942 | 941 | 0x3AD | LIGHT_BOOLEAN7_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40944 | 943 | 0x3AF | LIGHT_BOOLEAN7_TRUE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s true value | |||
40946 | 945 | 0x3B1 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN7_FALSE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s false value | |||
40948 | 947 | 0x3B3 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN7_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the main menu | |||
40949 | 948 | 0x3B4 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN7_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | See the table in LIGHT_BOOLEAN1_CONFIGURATION (40889) | |||
40145 | 144 | 0x90 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN8_PRESENT_VALUE | Read/write, memory | Current value of the parameter | |||
40952 | 951 | 0x3B7 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN8_NAME (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | User-defined name of the parameter | |||
40954 | 953 | 0x3B9 | LIGHT_BOOLEAN8_TRUE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s true value | |||
40956 | 955 | 0x3BB | LIGHT_BOOLEAN8_FALSE_TEXT (32-bit) | Read/write, memory | Text for the parameter’s false value | |||
40958 | 957 | 0x3BD | LIGHT_BOOLEAN8_PRIORITY | Read/write, memory | Priority of the parameter for sequence of display in the main menu | |||
40959 | 958 | 0x3BE | LIGHT_BOOLEAN8_CONFIGURATION | Read/write, memory | See the table in LIGHT_BOOLEAN1_CONFIGURATION (40889) |