Device-related Parameters
This section applies to all Control Point series: the Control Point and Control Point VAV.
VERSION_TYPE: allows to read version and type of the panel and enable 1 of 4 available actions. The first byte of the register indicates a version of the device, and the second one–type of the device;
Modbus register: 40001;
BACnet object: DEVICE, property: 3030;
Value | Bits 0-7 | Bits 8-15 | |
Type | Panel's version | 11210(0x7016) | |
Panel in bootloader | 23910(0xEF16) | ||
Version | Firmware version multiplied by 10 | 1010(0x0A16) means 1.0 firmware version |
The VERSION_TYPE register also allows to enable 1 of 4 available actions: reset panel, reload settings, reset settings, enter bootloader. If the register receives one of the following values, it invokes a relevant action and resumes its regular values afterwards (type and version):
Decimal Value | Hex Value | Action |
511 | 0x01FF | Reset panel |
767 | 0x02FF | Reload settings |
1023 | 0x03FF | Reset settings |
1279 | 0x04FF | Enter bootloader |
CFG_DIPSWITCH: allows to read the DIP switch state;
Modbus register: 30003;
BACnet object: N/A;
LIVE_TIME: shows uptime of the device since the last reset;
Modbus register: 30012-30013;
BACnet object: AI0, property: Present Value;
RESET_SOURCE: allows to read a source of the last restart;
Modbus register: 30014;
BACnet object: N/A;
BOOT_VERSION: indicates the panel's bootloader version;
Modbus register: 30031;
BACnet object: N/A;
HW_VERSION: indicates the panel's hardware version;
Modbus register: 30032;
BACnet object: N/A;
GIT_HEIGHT: allows to read a last git commit number;
Modbus register: 30033;
BACnet object: N/A;
SERIAL_NUMBER: shows the panel's serial number;
Modbus register: 30035;
BACnet object: N/A;
SUBTYPE: allows to read a type of the device (CP, CP-VAV);
Modbus register: 30050;
BACnet object: N/A.
Device Configuration
DEVICE_CONFIGURATION: allows to configure the following parameters:
BUZZER: allows to activate or deactivate the buzzer. When the buzzer is active, any single push of any button is signalized by the buzzer sound. In addition, the buzzer can be also used for CO2 alarm signalization. By default, the buzzer is active;
Modbus register: 40205, bit 0;
BACnet object: BO0;
TIME_FORMAT: allows to define a time format display. If true, the time is set to 12-hour format. If false, the time is displayed in 24-hour format (default). When the clock is set in 12-hour format and it receives hours value in 24-hour format, icons AM and PM are displayed according to calculation. A semicolon, which separates hours and minutes sections in the clock, flashes with 1 Hz frequency;
Modbus register: 40205, bit 1;
BACnet object: BO1;
DEFAULT_TEMPERATURE_UNIT: allows to set a default temperature unit to Celsius or Fahrenheit degrees;
Modbus register: 40205, bit 2;
BACnet object BO2;
BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_ LCD_ACTIVE: allows to switch on the LCD background illumination. If true, the LCD display is illuminated with intensity according to values stored in parameters dedicated for particular room panel modes. If false, the LCD display is not illuminated in any mode. By default, the display is illuminated;
Modbus register: 40205, bit 3;
BACnet object: BO3;
BACKGROUND_ILLUMINATION_KEY_PAD_ACTIVE: allows to switch on the keypad background illumination. If true, the keypad is illuminated with intensity according to values stored in parameters dedicated for particular room panel modes. If false, the keypad is not illuminated in any mode. By default, the keypad is not illuminated;
Modbus register: 40205, bit 4;
BACnet object: BO4;
CO2_IN_ALARM_FLASHING_LCD: allows to switch on the function of LCD background illumination flashing when CO2 alarm occurs. If true, the CO2 alarm is indicated by the LCD display flashing. Read more about CO2 alarm in the CO2 sensor section. By default, the function is deactivated;
Modbus register: 40205, bit 5;
BACnet object: BO5;
CO2_IN_ALARM_BUZZER: allows to switch the buzzer on when the CO2 alarm occurs. If true, the CO2 alarm is indicated by the buzzer, which emits sounds with 1 Hz frequency. Read more about CO2 alarm in the CO2 sensor section. By default, the function is deactivated;
Modbus register: 40205, bit 6;
BACnet object: BO6;
CO2_IN_ALARM_SHOW_HIGH: allows to switch on a “HIGH” label on display when the CO2 alarm occurs. If true and the CO2 alarm is active, the LCD display shows the CO2 sensor actual value and a blinking text “HIGH”. By default, the function is deactivated;
Modbus register: 40205, bit 7;
BACnet object: BO7;
CO2_ALARM_CONFIRM_ENABLE: allows to switch on confirming the CO2 alarm with any button on the panel. Otherwise, it is only possible to switch off the alarm from the BMS application level;
Modbus register: 40205, bit 8;
BACnet object: BO63;
SUBMENU_ICON_DISPLAY_OFF: allows to switch off displaying of the submenu icon. If true, all submenu icons are hidden, even in case when one or more submenus contain active points. The user can enter an active submenu (with at least one active point) and proceed normal operation but its icon is invisible in the main menu display view;
Modbus register: 40205, bit 10;
BACnet object: BO8;
PANEL_OFF: allows to switch the panel off. If true, the room panel is inactive. It means that it is impossible to control the room panel locally (access to submenus and parameters configuration is blocked, keypad is deactivated). The LCD display and background illumination are also off. The main menu is not displayed. The room panel works as temperature sensor (or multisensor if either the CO2 sensor or humidity sensor are built-in). If false, the room panel works in normal mode (functions of local control are active). By default, the panel is on;
Modbus register: 40205, bit 11;
BACnet object: BO9;
KEY_PAD_OFF: allows to switch the panel keypad off. If true, the keypad function is deactivated. Single push of any button emits a buzzer sound (if buzzer is activated) and activates the active mode (set background illumination level) but the submenu access is blocked (it is impossible to enter any menu or to change any parameters or settings). The main menu is displayed. By default, the keypad is on;
Modbus register: 40205, bit 12;
BACnet object: BO10;
LCD_FLASHING: allows to activate the LCD display flashing. If true, the LCD display flashes with the frequency stored in the LCD_ICON_FLASHING. Flashing brightness level changes from 0% to a maximum value from the parameters: BACKGROUND_LCD_FOR_ACTIVE_MODE, BACKGROUND_LCD_FOR_IDLE_MODE, and BACKGROUND_LCD_FOR_STANDBY_MODE. By default, the LCD flashing is inactive;
Modbus register: 40205, bit 13;
BACnet object: BO11;
KEY_PAD_FLASHING: allows to activate the keypad flashing. If true, the keypad flashes with the frequency stored in the LCD_ICON_FLASHING. Flashing brightness level changes from 0% to a maximum value from the parameters: BACKGROUND_KEY_PAD_FOR_ACTIVE_MODE, BACKGROUND_KEY_PAD_FOR_IDLE_MODE, and BACKGROUND_KEY_PAD_FOR_STANDBY_MODE. By default, the keypad flashing is inactive;
Modbus register: 40205, bit 14;
BACnet object: BO12.