The ModbusAsyncRegisterBitPoint component is responsible for reading Boolean values from a bit in a specified register in the device. The component has to be placed under the ModbusAsyncDevice component.

The ModbusAsyncRegisterBitPoint component has the following slots:
Status: shows the point’s status;
Fault Cause: shows the fault cause description;
Fault Status: informs about the point error status (true: point read error);
Enable: enables or disables the point;
Available options: true (point enabled), false (point disabled);
Address Format: allows to set the register address format;
Available options: Modbus, decimal;
Address: allows to set the register address;
Nr Bit: allows to set the bit number in the register;
Poll Frequency: allows to set the reading poll frequency;
Available options: fast, normal, slow;
Status Type: allows to set the type of reading the register;
Available options input, coil;
Out: the current value of the read bit.
The ModbusAsyncRegisterBitPoint component offers the following action:
Read: enforces reading of the point.