The ModbusAsyncBooleanPoint is a component, which is responsible for reading Boolean values from the device. The component has a Read action, which forces reading of the point.

The ModbusAsyncBooleanPoint component has the following slots:
Status: point’s status;
Available states: OK (point is working properly), Disabled (point is disabled, the Enable slot is in false), Down/Timeout (point is not available), Device Down (device is not available), Wrong address format (incorrect address format according to the address format setting slot), Device disabled (device is disabled), Network disabled (Modbus network is disabled);
Fault Cause: fault cause description;
Fault Status: point error status;
Available options: true (point read error), false;
Enable: enables/disables the point;
Available options: true (point enabled), false (point disabled);
Address Format: register address format;
Available options: Modbus, decimal;
Address: register address;
Poll Frequency: reading poll frequency;
Available options: fast, normal, slow;
Status Type: type of reading register;
Available options: input: 0x02, coil: 0x01;
Out: current value of the read register.
The ModbusAsyncBooleanPoint component has the following action available under the right-click:
Read: reads a value from the device and sends to the Out slot.