This page is a source for LpMainMenuBoolean (AAC).
Component applicable only for the LP panel.
The LpMainMenuBoolean component is responsible for reading/writing and configuration of a single Boolean parameter, which is placed in the LP panel main menu.
The LpMainMenuBoolean component has the following slots:
- Status: shows the point’s status;
- Fault Cause: shows the fault cause description;
- Fault Status: shows the point error status (true: point read/write error);
- Enable: enables or disables the point (true: enabled, false: disabled);
- Poll Frequency: allows to set the reading poll frequency (fast, normal, slow);
- Write Type: allows to set the writing mode (COV: only on the In slot change, COV_PollFrequency: on the In slot change and periodically, PollFrequency: only periodically, COV_LinkSet: only on the In slot change, using the "reverse following the link" function);
- Trigger: allows to force sending values on rising edge;
- Out: the main menu point output slot, the current value;
- In: the main menu point input slot;
- Point No: the panel’s main menu point number;
- Point Display Name: allows to set the point display name on the LCD screen (up to 4, only ASCII characters);
- Point Visibility: allows to activate or deactivate the point on the display;
- Point True Text: allows to set the 4 characters LCD display text in the true state (only ASCII characters);
- Point False Text: allows to set the 4 characters LCD display text in the false state (only ASCII characters);
- Point Priority: allows to set the displaying priority on the LCD screen (starting from the lowest value);
- Config Trigger: sends configuration parameters to the device components on rising edge.
The LpMainMenuBoolean component has the following right-click menu actions:
- Set True: sets the true state in the In slot and sends it to the main menu point;
- Set False: sets the false state in the In slot and sends it to the main menu point;
- Write: sends the In slot state to the main menu point;
- Read: reads the panel main menu point value and sets the Out slot;
- Send Value: sends the point user value to the main menu without changing the In slot, from the pop-up window;
- Read Config: reads the main menu point configuration parameters from the panel (Point Display Name, Point Visibility, Point True Text, Point False Text, Point Priority);
- Write Config: writes the main menu point configuration parameters to the panel (Point Display Name, Point Visibility, Point True Text, Point False Text, Point Priority).