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iSMA-B-2D1B User Manual


The iSMA-B-2D1B device has been built in order to control the light and blind/shutter in a single space in the building. The device is designed for controlling two separate DALI light areas with up to 32 DALI ballasts (16 ballasts for each DALI interface). Two built-in special inputs and two digital inputs are designed to connect the presence detectors and light switches. A dedicated DIP switch allows for activating a predefined inputs configuration. The device allows for controlling DALI ballasts by a common light switch and a common presence detector without the need of programming, which makes the device a unique plug & play type device designed for DALI network control.

In addition, the iSMA-B-2D1B-(WD) device has a blind/shutter control function implemented, which allows for controlling a blind/shutter with a common double-switch.

2D1B controllers

Revision History

1.016 Aug 2017First edition
1.129 Mar 2021Company data update
1.225 May 2022Rebranded
Revision history

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