Applicable to library's version 1.0
The Latch component temporarily latches the Out slot value based on the Clock slot value–if the Clock slot is set to true, the Out slot value is latched, regardless of changes to the In slot. The component has the Reset action, which brings the Clock slot value back to false.
The Latch component has the following slots:
- Status: indicates the current status of the component (OK, Fault).
- Out: the output value transferred from the In slot;
- In: the input value;
- Clock: latches the Out value if the Clk value changes from false to true;
- Reset: allows to reset the Clock slot value back to false, which releases the Out slot value from latching.
The Latch component has the following action:
- Reset: allows to reset the Clock slot value back to false, which releases the Out slot value from latching.