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The BACnet library includes components that service the BACnet communication protocol implemented in the device. It allows the device to be recognized and identified in the BACnet network as a BACnet device, and to handle an incoming BACnet communication as client (sending BACnet queries) and server (answering for BACnet queries) device. Both client and server communication is handled via IP. In order to operate properly, the BACnet library components have to be placed in the Networks container (the BACnet component being the superior, service-type component).

The BACnet library

BACnet Component

The essential feature of the BACnet management in the nano EDGE ENGINE devices is the Autoexposition option–allowing all Data Points added in the project to be exposed to the BACnet network by default. If the Autoexposition slot in the BACnet component is set to true, all Data Points added in the project are automatically exposed on the BACnet network as BACnet objects; however, Data Points may then be individually hidden from the network by manually changing the OnBacnet slot value in a Data Point's BACnet extension (i.e., native extensions, BACnetAnalogPoint and BACnetBinaryPoint, in Analog and Binary Data Points). In case the Autoexposition slot is set to false, all new added Data Points are automatically hidden from the network. They may be exposed to the network manually, changing the Expose slot value in Data Point's BACnet extensions to true.

The BACnet component can be either enabled, or disabled, using the Enabled slot that manually starts or stops the whole BACnet component. Stopping it makes the device and its BACnet objects invisible in the BACnet network.

The BACnet component is automatically added and cannot be removed from the device.

The BACnet component


The BACnet component has the following slots:

  • Status: indicates the current status of the component. If the component works properly, its status is OK; if the Enabled slot has been set to false, the component's status becomes Disabled. The component goes into the Fault status if it cannot be started.
    • Available information: Disabled, Fault, OK.
  • Enabled: change of the slot's value enables or disables the component.
    • Available settings: true (enabled), false (disabled).

Note: If the Enabled slot is in false (meaning the component is disabled), the Status slot becomes Disabled.

  • Send Requests: the number of sent requests;
  • Received Responses: the number of received responses;
  • Received Error Responses: the number of received error responses;
  • Autoexposition: allows to automatically define the exposition of all Data Points added in the project to the BACnet network.
    • Available settings: true (exposed), false (hidden).

The BACnet component slots

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