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Operation Guide

Rear Navigation Buttons

The rear navigation buttons are used to turn the device on and off. Brightness +/- buttons are prepared for future development:

Rear navigation buttons




Brightness +/-

Choose +

Buttons prepared for future development

Brightness +/-

Choose -


On/Off button

Start-up/Shut down the monitor. The button has to be pressed for a few seconds for both turning on and off. When turning on, wait a few seconds after pressing the button.

Operating of rear navigation buttons

Setting Static IP Address

Follow the instruction steps to set a static IP address:

  • Follow steps 1 and 2 from the point 1.7 (go to the Settings of the Adroid Panel PC).
  • Go to the More option:

Settings - More
  • Go to the Ethernet:

  • Go to the Ethernet IP mode:

Ethernet IP mode
  • Choose the “static” option:

Setting Ethernet IP mode
  • Insert the IP address and other information and click CONNECT:

Inserting Ethernet information

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