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PA-LED User Manual


The PA-LED family are LCD room panels with LED bars, designed for commercial applications. Powered by the Android operating system and equipped with the dedicated iC SmartView application, these panels offer excellent operation in a variety of environments

Available in a variety of size options, these LCD room panels with LED bars are versatile and customizable solutions for a wide range of settings in residential and commercial buildings. Their sleek and modern design, complemented with a metal wire slot for a clean and organized installation, ensures they seamlessly blend into any environment.

These panels come with a built-in multicolor LED bar that can be customized to suit specific needs and integrated into applications for enhanced functionality. With a 10-point capacitive touchscreen, they provide an exceptional viewing experience. Whether there is a need for a room management device for hotels, conference rooms, or a dynamic display in lobbies, these panels are up to the task.

In addition to their stunning design and capabilities, the panels offer advanced features, including Power over Ethernet (POE) for convenient power supply, and the iC SmartView app for kiosk mode and remote control. The multitude of interfaces and built-in features make these panels a versatile solution for a wide range of applications.

PA-LED panels

Revison History

1.010 Nov 2023First edition
Revision history
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