Applicable to OS V1.0-1.6
The Toggle component changes its Out slot value on the rising edge of its input slot, Toggle. If the Out slot value is true, it changes to false if the Toggle slot changes its value to true (rising edge), and it is held so until the next rising edge of the Toggle slot (changing the Toggle slot value to false takes no effect on the Out slot). If the Out slot value is false, it changes to true if the Toggle slot changes to true (rising edge), and it is held so until the next rising edge of the Toggle slot (changing the Toggle slot value to false takes no effect on the Out slot). The change of the Reset slot from false to true (rising edge) takes effect on the Out slot only when its value is true. True state of the Reset slot keeps the Out slot false, even if the Toggle slot goes into the rising edge.

The Toggle component
The Toggle component has the following slots:
Out: the Boolean value changed on the rising edge of either of input slots;
Toggle: the input slot which changes the Out slot value on the rising edge—the first rising edge switches the Out slot to true, the next rising edge switches it to false, and the sequence recurs;
Reset: the input slot which resets the Out slot value to false.