Serial (SerialPort)
Applicable to OS V1.2-1.6
The Serial component allows to configure the BACnet MS/TP or Modbus RTU communication over the RS485 port.
Only one network using the serial communication configured with the SerialPort component can work at a time.

The Serial component for BACnet

The Serial component for Modbus
The Serial component has the following slots:
Status: indicates the current status of the component. If the component works properly, its status is OK; the component's status becomes Disabled if its Enabled slot has been set to false.
Available information: Disabled, OK.
Enabled: change of the slot's value enables or disables the component.
Available settings: true (enabled), false (disabled).
Note: If the Enabled slot is in false (meaning the component is disabled), the Status slot becomes Disabled.
Note: By default, the component is enabled.
If the Serial component is disabled, the network configured to operate on the serial port defined in this component is also disabled.
Serial Port: shows a serial communication port available in the device;
Baud Rate: allows to set the baud rate;
Available settings: 2400, 4800, 9600, 19200, 38400, 57600, 115200 bps;
Data Bits: shows the data bits configuration of the Modbus data frame;
Available information: 8 bits (Modbus RTU);
Stop Bits: allows to set the stop bits configuration of the Modbus data frame;
Available settings: One, OnePointFive, Two;
Parity: allows to set the parity bit configuration of the Modbus data frame;
Available settings: None, Even, Mark, Odd, Space;
Steady Time: (only for Modbus) allows to define the time from the start of the controller to the start of the communication on the Modbus client network.

The Serial component slots