Applicable to OS V1.6
The Sequence component calculates a binary output value based on the input value, the corresponding threshold value, and a universal hysteresis value:
if the input value is greater than or equal to the threshold plus hysteresis, the output is set to true.
if the input value is less than or equal to the threshold minus hysteresis, the output is set to false.
The component uses a hysteresis mechanism to prevent rapid switching of outputs when the input value is close to the threshold.

The Sequence component
The Sequence component has the following slots:
Status: indicates the current status of the component;
Available information: OK, fault;
Out1-5: a binary output value based on the threshold and hysteresis values;
Threshold1-5: allows to set a threshold value for outputs 1-5;
Hysteresis: allows to set a hysteresis value for outputs 1-5;
In: the input value.

The Sequence component mechanism