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Applicable to OS V1.6

The Sequence component calculates a binary output value based on the input value, the corresponding threshold value, and a universal hysteresis value:

  • if the input value is greater than or equal to the threshold plus hysteresis, the output is set to true.

  • if the input value is less than or equal to the threshold minus hysteresis, the output is set to false.

The component uses a hysteresis mechanism to prevent rapid switching of outputs when the input value is close to the threshold.

11 Sequence.png

The Sequence component

The Sequence component has the following slots:

  • Status: indicates the current status of the component;

    • Available information: OK, fault;

  • Out1-5: a binary output value based on the threshold and hysteresis values;

  • Threshold1-5: allows to set a threshold value for outputs 1-5;

  • Hysteresis: allows to set a hysteresis value for outputs 1-5;

  • In: the input value.

11a Sequence.png

The Sequence component mechanism

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