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Applicable to OS V1.6

The MultiLinear component allows to scale the Out slot value depending on the set input values interval. With the MultiLinear component it is possible to scale the value to 5 separate outputs. The In slot value is compared with x intervals, and the component estimates the Out slot value based upon the linear function. The component has a Limit slot, which allows to limit the Out slot values to the interval between minimum and maximum y values.

10 MultiLinear.png

The MultiLinear component

The MultiLinear component has the following slots:

  • Status: indicates the current status of the component;

    • Available information: OK, fault;

  • Out1-5: the output value estimated based on the linear function of the input value;

  • In: the input value;

  • X0-X1 (1-5): values representing the intervals for the input value;

  • Y0-Y1 (1-5): values representing the internals for the output value;

  • Limit: allows to limit the Out slots value within y minimum and y maximum interval.

10a MultiLinear.png

The MultiLinear component mechanism

10b MultiLinear with limits.png

The MultiLinear component with set limits mechanism

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