Applicable to OS V1.2-1.6
The Logs component runs an adjustable register of all events happening in the operating device. Such register becomes crucial when troubleshooting; it enables checking records, comparing recent ones with historical feeds, and, if needed, sharing them with the iSMA CONTROLLI Support Team for further diagnostics.
The records in the Logs register are grouped by their genre; they are categorized depending on the area they originated–firmware, core, BACnet, app, etc. Each group may have its individual log level defining priorities of data to be recorded, according to the users needs. These priorities are differentiated from Debug (each event happening is registered) to Critical (only few events that result in the system error are registered).
The Logs register is written to a file and saved on the SD card in the device. If needed, it may be copied from the SD card and shared with the iSMA CONTROLLI Support Team for troubleshooting.

The Logs component
The Logs component has one slot:
Default Log Level: assigns the importance of logs to be registered;
Available settings: Debug, Normal, Warning, Important, Error, Critical, Undefined.

The Logs component slots
Worth to notice
Logs register information about network configuration (IP address, default gateway, mask) providing a convenient way to retrieve such data if lost.
The Logs component has also available the component's extensions for each of groups defined for register:
Library.Core (library including Data Points, folders, etc.);
OS.Core (system elements);
Each of the above has a Log Level slot, which allows to individually set the importance of logs to be registered.