Applicable to OS V1.0-1.6
The EffectiveSetpointCalculator is a component, which calculates the value of the effective temperature setpoint, according to the setpoint value from the upper-level system (for example, BMS), offset of this value, occupancy mode, and the heating or cooling modes.

The EffectiveSetpointCalculator component slots
The EffectiveSetpointCalculator component has the following slots:
Effective Setpoint: the main output slot of a component, which value is equal to the calculated effective temperature setpoint;
Effective Setpoint Source: displays information about the way the setpoint is actually calculated, depending on the occupancy status and heating or cooling mode setting;
Available information: 1 (Occupied), 2 (Unoccupied_Heating), 3 (Unoccupied_Cooling), 4 (Standby_Heating), 5 (Standby_Cooling);
Setpoint: the main input of component, which receives the value of the temperature setpoint from the upper-level system;
Offset: the value of the setpoint offset;
Occupancy Status: sets the occupancy status;
Available settings: 0 (Unoccupied), 1 (Occupied), 2 (Standby);
Unoccupied Heat Offset: the offset value subtracted from the setpoint in the Unoccupied mode when the algorithm works in the heating mode;
Unoccupied Cool Offset: the offset value added to the setpoint in the Unoccupied mode when the algorithm works in the cooling mode;
Standby Heat Offset: the offset value subtracted from the setpoint in the Standby mode when the algorithm works in the heating mode;
Standby Cool Offset: the offset value added to the setpoint in the Standby mode when the algorithm works in the cooling mode;
Heating Cooling: sets the temperature mode;
Available settings: heating, cooling;
Offset In Occupied Only: determines whether the calculation of the Effective Setpoint value is to be included in the process of calculating the value of the Offset slot if a component is not in the Occupied mode;
Available settings: true (means that for the Unoccupied and Standby modes, the value of the Offset slot is not to be included in calculating the Effective Setpoint), false (the value of the Offset slot is to be included in calculating the Effective Setpoint in all occupancy modes).