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Applicable to OS V1.6

The Deadband component allows to set a range of value which does not trigger any action or any other response in the application despite input changes. This non-responsive zone helps preventing the application from overreacting to minor fluctuations, thereby stabilizing overall performance.

The component can operate in two modes:

  • Continuous: constantly checking the input value against the set deadband range;

  • One step: the input value is checked once against the setpoint value and set deadband range.

09 Deadband.png

The Deadband component

The Deadband component has the following slots:

  • Status: shows the status of the component;

    • Available information: OK, fault;

  • Out: the output value calculated against the set deadband range and mode of operation;

  • In: the input value;

  • Deadband: allows to set a range of values as a non-responsive zone – in this range of values no action is taken, the input value is not directly transferred to the Out slot;

  • Setpoint: (active only for the one step mode of operation) allows to set a middle value for the set deadband range;

  • Mode: allows to set the component’s mode of operation;

    • Available settings: Continuous, One step.

09a Deadband_continuous.png

The Deadband component in the continuous mode

09b Deadband_one_step.png

The Deadband component in the one step mode

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