Applicable to OS V1.0-1.5
The Hysteresis component allows to set on and off trip points to an input value. Rising and Falling Edge slots define limit values for transferring On or Off value to the Out slot. The In slot receives analog values.

The Hysteresis component
The Hysteresis component has the following slots:
Status: indicates the current status of the component (OK, Fault);
Out: the value transferred from On or Off slot depending on the In slot value against the Rising and Falling Edge slots;
In: the input value;
On: the value transferred to the Out slot once the In slot value is higher than the set Rising Edge value;
Off: the value transferred to the Out slot once the In slot value is lower than the set Falling Edge value;
Rising Edge: a trip point for the On value to be transferred to the Out slot;
Falling Edge: a trip point for the Off value to be transferred to the Out slot.

The Hysteresis component slots