Applicable to OS V1.2-1.5
The Analog2String component takes a double value from the In slot (noted to two decimal places) and transfers it as a string value to the Out slot depending on the set mask value.

The Analog2String component
The Analog2String component has the following slots:
In: a double input value noted to two decimal places;
Out: a string output value depending on the value in the Mask slot;
Mask: allows to set a rule how many decimal places are transferred to the Out slot:
Available settings: 0 (removes all digits after a decimal separator), 0.0 (removes a second digit after a decimal separator), 0._ (leaves all digits after a decimal separator).
The rules set in the Mask slot are not rules of mathematical rounding of numbers. If the input value is 23.89 and the mask is set to 0 or 0.0, the values transferred to the Out slot will be 23 or 23.8.