The Ramp component is designed for testing applications. It creates a sinusoidal signal with set amplitude and period. It provides an analog output value with a linear ramping out. The Out value continually changes, so the Ramp components is useful for simulation of changing conditions in application.
The Ramp component has the following slots:
- Status: indicates the current status of the component (OK, Fault);
- Enabled: the change of the slot's value enables or disables the component—if enabled, the component calculates the Out slot value according to its algorithm; if disabled, the component latches the last value in the Out slot;
- Available settings: enabled, disabled;
- Out: the output value calculated based on the set parameters;
- Period: allows to set the length of one cycle of the component's function;
- Amplitude: allows to set an amplitude for the output values function;
- Offset: allows to set an offset for the output values function;
- Waveform: allows to select a shape of the curve for the output values function (Triangle, SawTooth, InvertedSawTooth).