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The Ethernet component is always associated with an Ethernet port it manages. It is, therefore, named consecutively according to the number of the physical Ethernet port it manages: Ethernet1, Ethernet2, etc.

The Ethernet component allows to configure three essential features to connect the controller to the network: IP address, mask, default gateway, and DHCP control; it is the most important component in terms of network configuration.  

The Ethernet component


The Ethernet component has the following slots:

  • Info: informs about a required device restart after changing one of the parameters (displayed after a new information is saved to the device);

New information introduced to the Ethernet component (new IP address)

The notice in the Info slot
  • MAC Address: shows the MAC address of the device;
  • IP Address: allows to set the IP address of the device; by default the address is set to;
  • Mask: allows to set the mask of the device; by default the mask is set to;
  • Default Gateway: allows to set the default gateway of the device; by default it is set to;
  • DHCP Enabled: allows to turn on/off automatic IP address setting from the available DHCP server. If the DHCP slot is enabled, and the DHCP server is available, all network configuration is provided by the DHCP server, and there is no possibility to edit the IP Address/Mask/Default Gateway slots.

Note: Each device has a default, constant IP address: In order to connect the device to the network it has to work with, the IP address may be set manually by the user according to the user's network requirements, or it may be set using the DHCP server. It may also be left as is. The IP address setting is totally depending on the user's requirements.


The Ethernet component has the following action:

  • RestartDevice: restarts the device; relogin required (the restart is necessary to confirm each change introduced in any of the editable component's slots).

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