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nE2 Link User Manual


The nE2 Link for Niagara is a comprehensive solution designed to enhance the Niagara Framework by enabling seamless commissioning, programming, and control of nano EDGE ENGINE devices.

The module is addressed to current and future Niagara Framework users who want to comprehensively manage, program, and integrate nano EDGE ENGINE devices directly into the Niagara 4 environment.

Using the built-in functionalities in Niagara, nE2 Link extends its capabilities to include nano EDGE ENGINE functions natively. The extension greatly extends the reach and usability of nano EDGE ENGINE devices, making it easier for users to integrate and manage building systems directly into Niagara 4, without the need for third-party tools.

The purpose of this document is to describe how to correctly install and start using nano EDGE ENGINE devices in a native Niagara environment.


The nE2 Link is designed to enable the programming of controllers with the nano EDGE ENGINE embedded and provides all necessary functionalities for programming and commissioning the controller. However, it is important to note that the Niagara Framework includes a wide range of features, some of which are not supported by the nano EDGE ENGINE. As a result, certain functionalities of the Niagara Workbench may not be fully compatible with the nano EDGE ENGINE.

To assist users in addressing any potential issues, iSMA CONTROLLI has developed detailed troubleshooting materials, which are available at the following link: nE2 Link.

For further assistance or to provide suggestions for improvement, please contact iSMA CONTROLLI Support at

Revision History




30 Jan 2025


General availability edition

18 Jul 2024


First edition

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