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MVE-2-RS Configuration Tool User Manual


The MVE-2-RS Configurator allows to configure and monitor the MVE-2-RS actuator for a proper system commissioning, monitoring, and troubleshooting.

The connection between a computer and actuator can be established either by using a USB/RS485 converter (iSMA-B-CVT-RS485) with a serial communication bus and the Modbus protocol (RTU) or by the micro USB port.

Two different configuration tools are available:

  • the Modbus Configuration tool suitable for the configuration and real-time monitoring of the actuator by the Modbus RTU protocol; the USB/RS485 converter (iSMA-B-CVT-RS485) is required;

  • the USB Configuration tool suitable for the configuration and diagnostic of the actuator (not suitable for real-time monitoring) by USB; a simple micro USB-USB cable is required.

Revision History





19 Jul 2022

First edition

MVE-2-RS Configurator revision history

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