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LocalI/O Status and Configuration

Universal Inputs

This page allows for entering the configuration parameters and showing the actual value of the universal inputs. To open this page, please navigate to the Local I/O tab and choose Universal Inputs from the submenu.

The 8U-IP Universal Inputs page

Types of sensors

The Universal Input table contains the following fields:

  • Sensor type (read/write): allows for setting a different type of sensor;
  • Resolution (read/write): resolution measurement 12-bit/16-bit (for PT1000 and NI1000 sensors, please use 16-bit resolution);
  • UI Flag (read-only): the status of UI configured as dry contact input;
  • Disable Voltage Measurement (read/write): disables voltage measuring resistance measurement only;
  • L.P. Filter Constant (read/write): the value of the time constant for low pass filter in seconds. Valid values must be between 0 and 60 seconds (default 2s). Setting the 0 value disables the filter;
  • Resistance (read-only): in the range from 0 to 1000k [Ω];
  • Temperature (read-only): in Celsius with the accuracy of 1 degree [°C];
  • Voltage (read-only): in millivolts [mV];
  • BACnet COV Increment (read/write): change of state sending threshold value.

To save changes, please use the “Submit” button.

Configuration of Special Application Modes

This page allows for entering the configuration parameters and showing the actual value of Special application modes. To open this page, please navigate to the Local I/O tab and choose Universal Inputs from the submenu.

The 4U4O-IP special modes configuration

Special application modes

The Special Modes Configuration table contains the following fields:

  • Block Input (read/write): allows for blocking a particular input (except for heating/cooling modes);
  • Input Mode (read/write): allows for selecting the Special Application Mode for a particular input (Ordinary IO in default);
  • Command (read/write): execution of the Special Application Modes (except for input forwarding, heating/cooling modes);
  • Mode Time (read/write): time base for time relay application modes (the unit depends on the selected mode: [ms] or [s]);
  • Setpoint (read/write, 4U4O-H-IP only): setpoint value for heating/cooling modes. By default 0;
  • Differential (read/write, 4U4O-H-IP only): differential value for heating/cooling modes. By default 0.

To save changes, please use the “Submit” button.

Digital Inputs

This page allows for entering the configuration parameters and showing the actual value of the digital inputs. To open this page, please navigate to the Local I/O tab and choose Digital Inputs from the submenu.

The MIX38-IP Digital Inputs page

The Digital Input table contains the following fields:

  • State (read-only): actual input state
  • Reset Flag (read/write): reset of pulses value (leaving reset active will reset the value of the pulses);
  • Counter State (read-only): the actual value of pulses saved in EEPROM;
  • Counter State To Set (read/write): allows for setting the value of the counter.

To save changes, please use the “Submit” button.

Digital Outputs

This page allows for entering the configuration parameters and showing the actual value of the digital outputs. To open this page, please navigate to the Local I/O tab and choose the Digital Outputs from the submenu.

The MIX38-IP Digital Outputs page

The Digital Output table contains the following fields:

  • State (read/write): the actual state of the digital output;
  • Default State (read/write): the output state after power-up and watchdog operation;
  • Hand State Output (read-only, MINI series only): manually override the status of the switch;
  • Watchdog (read/write): device watchdog value in seconds.

To save changes, please use the “Submit” button.

Analog Outputs

This page allows for entering the configuration parameters and showing the actual value of the analog outputs. To open this page, please navigate to the Local I/O tab and choose the Analog Outputs from the submenu.

The 4U4A-H-IP Analog Outputs page

The Analog Outputs table contains the following fields:

  • Value (read/write): the actual value of the analog output in millivolts [mV];
  • Type (read/write): the analog output operating mode voltage/PWM;
  • Default Value (read/write): default output value after the power-up and watchdog operation;
  • Digital Output (read/write): the output status flag for the DO mode;
  • Default Digital Output (read/write): the default output status for the DO mode;
  • Watchdog (read/write): the device watchdog value in seconds;
  • Hand State Output (read-only, MINI series only): manually overrides the status of the potentiometer;
  • BACnet COV Increment (read/write): change of the state sending threshold value.

To save changes, please use the “Submit” button.

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