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Setting setpoints is possible from the main menu level.

If the room panel is in the active mode or in the idle mode, pressing the one of arrow buttons leads to the setpoint edit mode.


OPERATING_MODE (41513, Bit 2): True

If the setpoint is in the edit mode, its value, unit, and name flash with a frequency calculated according to the value stored in the SUBMENU_ICON_FLASHING_TIME register.

Pressing the up arrow button increases the setpoint value with the step value stored in the SETPOINT_STEP register.

If the entered value is higher than the value stored in the SETPOINT_HIGH_LIMIT register, the actual setpoint value is overwritten by the value in that register.

Pressing the down arrow button decreases the setpoint value with the step value stored in the SETPOINT_STEP register.

If the entered value is lower than the value stored in the SETPOINT_LOW_LIMIT register, the actual setpoint value is overwritten by the value in that register.

OPERATING_MODE (41513, Bit 2): False

In case if the OPERATING_MODE (41513, Bit 2) register value is false, the user changes the setpoint value indirectly, by changing the SETPOINT_OFFSET register value.

If the SETPOINT_DISPLAY (41513, Bit 3) value is false, then OFFSET_SETPOINT register value is displayed.

If the offset is in the edit mode, its value, unit, and name flash with a frequency calculated according to the value stored in the SUBMENU_ICON_FLASHING_TIME register.

Pressing the up arrow button increases the OFFSET_SETPOINT register value with the step value stored in the SETPOINT_STEP register.

If the entered value is higher than the value stored in the OFFSET_RANGE register, the actual OFFSET_SETPOINT value is overwritten by the value in that register.

Pressing the down arrow button decreases OFFSET_SETPOINT register with the step value stored in the SETPOINT_STEP register.

If the entered value is lower than the negative value of the OFFSET_RANGE register, the actual OFFSET_SETPOINT value is overwritten by the value in that register.

If the SETPOINT_DISPLAY (41513, Bit 3) value is true, the procedure is similar but instead of displaying THE OFFSET_SETPOINT and OFFSET_NAME values on the LCD display, the EFFECTIVE_SETPOINT with SETPOINT_NAME values are displayed.

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