Setting of the occupancy mode is available from the main menu level. If the room panel is in the active mode, pressing the OK button leads the user to the occupancy edit submenu. The text “OCCM” flashes on the 14-segment display block (with frequency calculated on the basis of the SUBMENU_ICON_FLASHING_TIME register value), and the name of the current OCCUPANCY_MODE register value is displayed on the 8-segment display block.
The register contains a numeric value corresponding to the actual occupancy status. The particular register value determines displaying a specific group of icons (see the table below). This register has a software limitation, where the maximum value is 3. The register value can be used as the actual occupancy status indication.
Register Value | Icon |
0 | |
1 | |
2 | |
3 | Human symbol blinks |
The register contains a numeric value corresponding to the occupancy mode. There are two different occupancy modes, which can be selected locally from the occupancy edit submenu level (see the table below). To enter the occupancy edit submenu, press the OK button, when the room panel is in the active mode. This register has a software limitation, where the maximum value is 1. The default texts for particular occupancy modes can be changed (see Occupancy Mode Name).
Occupancy Mode Text on LDC | Register Value |
UNOC | 0 |
OCC | 1 |
OCCUPANCY_MODE_NAME (41703, 41705)
The two 32-bit registers are assigned with two different occupancy modes, which contain up to 4 characters according to the ASCII code (see example in the TEMPERATURE_NAME register). The value of the 32-bit register is displayed on the 8-segment display block as text. In case if a particular ASCII code value is 0 (NULL), the character is not displayed. Lower case characters are automatically changed into upper case characters. For more user-friendly use, the OCCUPANCY_MODE register value is displayed on LCD as text instead of numeric value.
Register Address | Default Name | Corresponding OCCUPANCY_MODE Register Value |
41703 | UNOC | 0 |
41705 | OCC | 1 |