Numeric Parameters Registers
Each submenu has 8 numeric user-defined parameters. Each of the user-defined parameters has the same structure: it contains 7 registers dedicated to different functionalities and purposes. Each register is described below. (The exact Modbus address for each register is available in the List of Modbus Registers).
XPresentValue (X = [1.8])
The register contains an actual value of the parameter. The default value is 0.
XName (X = [1.8])
The 32-bit register contains up to 4 characters (ASCII code), which can be displayed as a text (name) on the 14-segment display block together with the XPresentValue register (displayed on the 8-segment display block). In case if a particular character value is 0 (NULL), the character is not displayed. Lower case characters are automatically changed into upper case characters. The default name is NUMX, where X=[1.8] (e.g., the register value for the name “NUM1” = 1295076949).
XPriority (X = [1.8])
The register contains a value determining the parameter’s priority. The parameter’s priority determines a sequence of parameters displayed inside the particular submenu. The parameter with the highest priority is displayed as a first parameter in the submenu. The parameter with the lowest priority is displayed as a last parameter in the submenu. If two or more parameters have the same priority, the sequence of displaying is based on register addresses (the register with the lowest address is displayed as first). The default priority for all user-defined parameters is 0.
XStep (X = [1.8])
The register contains a value, which is a step value during the parameter value edition. The default value is 0.
XLowLimit (X = [1.8])
The register contains a minimum value of the parameter (the minimum value, which can be set locally from the room panel). The default value is 0.
XHighLimit (X = [1.8])
The register contains a maximum value of the parameter (the maximum value, which can be set locally from the room panel). The default value is 0.
XConfiguration (X = [1.8])
Visibility Bit 0
The bit 0 activates a parameter’s visibility. If the bit 0 is active, the parameter actual value is displayed in the particular submenu with the defined display priority. By default, the bit 0 value is false (the parameter is inactive).
Editable Bit 1
The bit 1 activates an edition of the parameter value locally from the room panel. If the bit 1 is true, the parameter is editable, and the user can change its value. By default, the bit 1 is false. (the parameter is not editable).
First Point Active Bit 2
The bit 2 activates a parameter display precision to the first decimal place. The default value is false.
Second Point Active Bit 3
The bit 3 activates a parameter display precision to the second decimal place. The default value is false.
Third Point Active Bit 4
The bit 4 activates a parameter display precision to the third decimal place. The default value is false.
oC Unit Active Bit 6
If the bit 6 is true, the actual parameter present value is displayed along with the oC unit. The default value is 0.
oF Unit Active Bit 7
If the bit 7 is true, the actual parameter present value is displayed along with the oF unit. The default value is 0.
Pa Unit Active Bit 8
If the bit 8 is true, the actual parameter present value is displayed along with the Pa unit. The default value is 0.
Lx Unit Active Bit 9
If the bit 9 is true, the actual parameter present value is displayed along with the Lx unit. The default value is 0.
ppm Unit Active Bit 10
If the bit 10 is true, the actual parameter present value is displayed along with the ppm unit. The default value is 0.
m3h Unit Active Bit 11
If the bit 11 is true, the actual parameter present value is displayed along with the m3h unit. The default value is 0.
%Rh Unit Active Bit 12
If the bit 12 is true, the actual parameter present value is displayed along with the %Rh unit. The default value is 0.
Ls Unit Active Bit 13
If the bit 13 is true, the actual parameter present value is displayed along with the Ls unit. The default value is 0.
% Unit Active Bit 14
If the bit 14 is true, the actual parameter present value is displayed along with the % unit. The default value is 0.
h Unit Active Bit 15
If the bit 15 is true, the actual parameter present value is displayed along with the h unit. The default value is 0.