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Fan Configuration



The bit 0 is responsible for activation or deactivation of fan current speed visibility. If the bit 0 is active, the fan current speed is visible as a group of icons. The icons indicate fan activity (run status), actual speed, and auto/manual mode.

Run indication (symbol rotates when a fun is running)

Auto/manual mode indication

(Hand symbol when manual mode is active)
Actual speed symbol

The default value is 1 (fan current speed is visible).

FAN_EDITION (41614, Bit 1)

The bit 1 determines if the FAN_MODE is editable locally from the room panel. If the bit 1 is  true, the fan edit submenu is active, and the user can set the FAN_MODE. If the bit 1 is false, the fan edit submenu is inactive. The default value is 1 (FAN_MODE is editable).

PART_EDITABLE (41614, Bit 2)

The bit 2 switches between the fan full edition and fan part edition modes.

Bit 2 Value



Fan Full Edition (def)


Fan Part Edition

The PART_EDITABLE Bit 2 values

Fan Full Edition Mode

In the fan full edition mode, all modes stored in the FAN_MODE register are available from the fan edit submenu level.

Fan Part Edition Mode

In the fan part edition mode, the user can switch only between the auto and off FAN_MODE register values from the fan edit submenu level; all other fan modes are unavailable.


The bit 5 switches between the fan normal edit and fan fast edit modes. By default, the bit 5 is false (normal edit mode).

Fan Normal Edit Mode

If the bit 5 is false, the normal edit mode is active. Fan modes are selected by the arrow buttons. The chosen fan mode has to be confirmed by pressing the OK button. The new fan mode confirmation is signalized by a double blink of the new FAN_MODE name, its assigned symbol, and a double beeper signal (if enabled, DeviceConfiguration bit 0).

Once the fan mode selection is completed, the main menu is displayed.

Pressing the Menu button, before confirming the new fan mode with the OK button, cancels the new FAN_MODE register setting procedure, and the user gets back to the main menu.

If the new FAN_MODE register setting is not confirmed during a time value stored in the EXIT_EDIT_TIME register, the new FAN_MODE register selection is failed and the main menu is displayed.

Fan Fast Edit Mode

If the bit 5 is true, the fast edit mode is active, and setting the new FAN_MODE register value does not need any confirmation. The new fan mode is selected by pressing the Menu button. Pressing any other button confirms the new fan mode choice. The same happens when the time value, set in the EXIT_EDIT_TIME register, elapsed–the chosen fan mode is confirmed. The new fan mode confirmation is signalized by a double blink of the new FAN_MODE  name, its assigned symbol, and a double beeper signal (if enabled, DEVICE_CONFIGURATION bit 0).

Once the fan mode selection is completed, the main menu is displayed.


The bit 6 switches between the local mode and the BMS modes, which define how the FAN_CURRENT_SPEED register value is determined. By default, the bit 6 is false (BMS mode).

Local Mode

If the bit 6 is true, the room panel fan setting works in a local mode. It means that the value of the FAN_CURRENT_SPEED register is determined by the value of the FAN_MODE register and so the value of the FAN_CURRENT_SPEED register cannot be overwritten by the higher level system.

FAN_MODE Register Value











BMS Mode

If the bit 6 is false, the room panel fan setting works in the BMS mode. The FAN_MODE register works separately from the FAN_CURRENT_STATUS register.


The register contains a time value in milliseconds, which is the base for calculating a frequency of flashing run indication icons (setting a rotation speed of the run indication symbol). This register has a software limitation, where the minimum time value is 50 ms. By default, the time value is set to 500 ms (fan run indication icons change repeatedly with 2 Hz frequency).

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