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Template Groups

In iC Tool V1.6.0 applicable only to nano EDGE ENGINE devices.

Available as a tab in the Device Libraries window, the Template Groups window allows to view and reuse saved parts of the device’s application.

132 Template groups.png

Template Groups window

Saving Template

Saving templates is possible only for components included in the application from the Equipment component level.

Note: The template can be saved with the Equipment component or only with components located under it. A simple Folder component can also be used for grouping purposes and saved in the template.


Please note that it is not possible to include the Application component and the Applications container in the template:

133a Saving template.png

Components to save as template

Components in no other container, Networks, Services, or System, can be saved as a template.

This also regards links between components in different containers or other external links. The Reference links between Data Points and network points (for example, local I/O components) will be lost in the template.

The saved template contains the following data:

  • extensions added to components,

  • slots values (not applicable to read-only slots),

    • exceptions: BACnet ID, Modbus address, events data in schedules components.

To mark components for saving, select (one or many) components on the Workspace Tree or select components for saving in Wire Sheet view (using window or crossing selection).

133 Saving template.png

Selecting components in the Workspace Tree

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Selecting components in the Wire Sheet

After selecting the Save as Template option, a dialog window pops up:

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Save as Template dialog window

In the dialog window, there are three fields:

  • Template Group: allows to select or add a templates' group to save a particular template to;

136 Pop-up template group.png

Adding new template group

  • Name: allows to fill in a name for the template;

  • Description: allows to fill in an additional description to the template.

Using Templates

Saved templates are available in the Template Groups tab in the Device Libraries window.

132 Template groups.png

Template Groups

To use the template, drag and drop it to the wire sheet of the destination Application component

137 Using templates.png

Drag-and-drop a template to the wire sheet


If the Equipment component has been added to the template, it is sufficient to add add the template directly to the wire sheet of the Application component. However, if the template contains only components of the application itself (no Equipment component), it is advised to first add the Equipment component to the Application component and then add the template to the wire sheet of the Equipment component. For more information, please see Equipment.

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