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Multi Device Manager

The Multi Device Manager allows to perform certain actions on more than one controller at a time. The actions available in the Multi Device Manager include:

  • performing, download, and restoring backup,

  • managing OS and libraries,

  • setting local time,

  • changing admin password, and

  • restarting devices.

138 MultiDevice Manager.png

Multi Device Manage view

The view is structured in two parts:

  • List of Devices: allows to add devices to manage, shows status information (process succeeded/failed, etc.);

  • Selected Steps: allows to choose and configure action to perform on all devices included in the List of Devices section.

Accessing the Multi Device Manager

There are three ways to access the Multi Device Manager view:

  • in the main menu:

147 Accessing MDM.png

Accessing the Multi Device Manager in the main menu

  • in the context menu of the device in the Workspace Tree:

147a Accessing MDM.png

Accessing the Multi Device Manager in the context menu of the controller

  • from the Object Properties window (dedicated button):

147b Accessing MDM.png

Accessing the Multi Device Manager from the Object Properties window

Using the Multi Device Manager

Adding Devices

To add devices to the List of Devices in the Multi Device Manager, select the relevant devices in the Workspace Tree and drag-and-drop them on the List of Devices:

138a Add devices.png

Adding devices

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Added devices

Devices added in the List of Devices have a context menu with the following options:

  • Remove: removes a single device from the list,

  • Clear List: removes all devices added to the list.

139 MDM context menu for devices.png

Context menu of added devices

Performing Actions

To select and configure action to perform on the selected devices, go to the Selected Steps window. Under the Add Step button, there is a list of action available to perform.

140 Add step button.png

Add Step button

Available action include:

  • Perform and Download Backup: creates backup file and saves it in the selected location on the PC,

  • Restore backup: restores backup from a location on the PC or from device,

  • Manage Libraries/OS: allows to upgrade or downgrade OS and libraries installed on the device and delete a library from the device,

  • Set local time: automatically sets local time on the device,

  • Change admin password: changes admin password on all devices,


Please remember that the password needs to fulfill the following requirements;

  • include both lower and upper case characters,

  • include at least one number and symbol,

  • be at least 8 characters long,

  • cannot contain spaces.

  • Restart Device: restarts all devices (devices need to be reconnected manually in the iC Tool).

141 MDM Available steps.png

Available actions

When an action is added to the Selected Steps window, addition information and configuration options are available in the Object Properties window:

142 Steps in OP.png

Description of an action in the Objects Properties window

Selected Steps View

Validation colors

Colors marked on the Selected Steps list inform if the action needs further configuration to be performed:

  • red: further configuration is required to carry out the action,

  • yellow: further configuration is optional to carry out the action; if left as is, the action will be complete with a default configuration.


As the actions are performed in a sequence as listed, it is possible to reorder them by a drag-and-drop method.

Context menu
141b MDM Steps context menu.png

Context menu for selected actions

  • Remove: removes a single action from the list,

  • Add step: opens a dialog window to add steps to the list,

  • Clear list: removes all actions from the list.

Configuration of Actions

142a Steps in OP.png

Configuration options for the Manage Libraries/OS action

For each action, there are the following configuration options:

  • Perform and Download Backup: possibility to set a location for saving a backup file; by default, the backup will be downloaded to the iC Tool directory,

  • Restore backup: allows to select a specific backup file to restore; if left as is, the last backup will be restored,

  • Manage Libraries/OS: allows to select an OS version to upgrade or downgrade; for libraries, allows to select a version to upgrade or downgrade or select a library to be removed,

  • Set local time: no further configuration possible,

  • Change admin password: allows to enter a new password,

  • Restart Device: no further configuration possible.

Once all required steps are selected and configured, press the Apply button:

145a MDM apply.png

The Apply button

The performance progress is indicated on a progress bar:

145 MDM progress bar.png

Progress bar

Completed actions are marked on the list:

146 MDM done.png

Completed actions

Pressing a plus mark on the left of the device’s IP address expands a list of messages summarizing the process:

146a MDM done.png

Confirmation messages

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